Arrgh! Health junk food?!

So I’m on a mission to get in shape for my honeymoon and I’ve been kicking ass at it. Going to the gym a ton and eating well. I’ve gone from 190 to 175 since January and am getting muscle back.

But I’ve got a craving for a trash plate or mighty or jim’s or just anything shitty and fatty! What do I eat???

muscle milk peanut butter & chocolate

one of those rotisserie chickens from tops/wegmans

making chicken/ steak and putting Whatever condiment that i want on it, that I don’t usually

if you like sushi, pound a bunch of that.

  • my general theme here, is when i start craving, i either choose between eating a little of whatever it is that’s bad (which really doesn’t go too well for me), eating more than i usually do of something healthy, or taking something healthy and kinda getting ghetto with it; e.g. - muscle milk has a shitload of fat, but a decent amount of protein. it’s a compromise shake. there’s the low-carb dressings and bbq sauces, but meh - i’ll put whatever i want to on meat occasionally when i feel like that. but whatever you do, if you just start eating something you kinda like quick, well - you’ll be full, and can’t physically crave anymore

and given that you’re eating every 3-4hrs, your stomach’s prolly shrunken a decent amt and you can’t eat a ton anyways. maybe you should go house something crappy if you think you can recover from it, and man, if you haven’t cheated since january, you’re pretty fuckin amazing :tup:

A healthy Trash plate would be impossible :lol: Go get a chicken fajita from Mighty, thats the closest thing to healthy junk as I can think of.

I wish I could get disciplined and stick with healthy food. How tall are you? Im about 195 and 6 foot; I need to kill the belly fat… the hardest crap to get rid of.

true, so lone as its no cheese, no sour cream.

its ok once a week to give into a craving, think of it as a rare treat. just don’t go crazy, keep the portion modest

absolutely! if you keep restricting the way you likely are, you will have some STRONG fucking cravings, then prolly eat like, everything. dude, give in, go get like 10-20 wings or something.

The craving psychologically satisfies you… and battling your mind is one of the most difficult things when it comes to dieting. “Giving in” won’t hurt once in a while, as long as its controlled and doesn’t turn a cheat into a binge.

:lol: For the last couple of years of my life I’ve been the anti-discipline. It’s not so much that I have or haven’t been cheating so much as I’ve just started to give a shit…

…Fuck it. I made a big breakfast. Shredded a red potato and fried it in olive oil. Then made a wester omlette out of 3 eggs, some diced green bell pepper, and some diced onion, and some shredded cheddar. Pile it all up, tossed on some salsa. Not the worst thing, but I didn’t need THAT much food. Oh well.

And yeah, I cheat all the time. It’s pretty easy to lose weight when you go from not giving a shit about how you eat to caring somewhat. My wakeup call was when I weighed 165-170 in college, slowly creeping up to 180, then changing jobs and going through the holidays and stepping on a scale and going :wtf: I weigh 190? :bloated:

I’m pretty thin in general, 5’11" and 180 isn’t much, but I used to be able to see my abs and now I’ve got some visceral fat hiding them. The worst kind of fat and as mentioned above the hardest to get rid of.

Oh well, tomorrow’s saturday. I’ll get up at 7, grab my usual half pot of coffee. Have a very light breakfast to get my metabolism going. Then hit the gym and whip my own ass for a couple of hours. Then take the dogs to Delaware park for a lap or two.

Haha when I hit the scale and saw a buck ninety, it was fucking easy. I dropped 10 pounds in a week going on a custom diet I call my “don’t eat so fucking much” diet. The next 4-5 pounds have required actual discipline and knowledge.

Bored Friday night story: Another way to lose weight is spend a week at a diamond mine in Africa. The time I did that I was so nervous/stressed that I didn’t have much of an apetite, and when I did the food sucked. The dining hall at the camp served what I seriously think was a pile of baked monkey bones. I dropped from 170-160 that week. :stuck_out_tongue:

Fiber one oats and peanut butter “granola” bars. 35% of your daily intake of fiber and sooooooooo good.

my problem was always… Go to the Gym-> 10mins cardio (hated it) -> Then I would just lift doing all uppers for the other 50 minutes-> Go home and get real hungry-> then eat some crap. :lol: Maybe this summer ill live off chicken breasts and run as much as possible

Chicken wings,when I did low carb for a while I had wings once a week and it didnt have any negative effects.

you could have a cheat day,just make sure to stay within your macro and not have a calorie surplus…you shouldn’t gain anything.

stop being a faggy bitch and just eat what you want, YOU’RE A MAN DAMMIT

go to Mighty you’ll be fine, just get like a couple sm, fajita’s NO cheese, and you’ll be fine.

If you wanna cheat with something delicious that isnt huge. Go to Famous Dave’s get the Barbeque Lovers combo. Its 3 St. Louis Style Ribs a 3 Oz portion of Georgia Chopped pork, Texas Beef Brisket, or Triple Smoked ham. 1 Side a corn on the Cob and a Corn Bread muffin. Makes an awesome Cheat lunch. and its only $7.99.

Feeling like cheating more, or want a burger, The Ultimate Burger is fantastic, 1/2 lb patty grilled to your liking, Jim beam custom sauce, Cheddar Cheese, Bacon, and Georgia chopped pork on top of that. (Full review of this sandwhich and restaurant are in the Lifestyles section)

A 6 Rib platter wouldnt slow you down to much either. 2 sides, corn and corn bread muffin.

OK I got up early. Now I’m going to go to the gym to get some exercise…

…By “gym” I mean Autohaus. By “exercise” I mean 6 qts of Amsoil and a filter. :tup:

Haha nice.

It’s not all about eating healthy, its all about eating responsibly. If you want chicken wings, eat em, but make sure to burn that bad shit out of your system with a little intense cardio.

It really won’t affect you as bad as you thing, it just starts to add up when you do it daily, and then start to skip the cardio and just let everything add on and on and on, then next thing you know you eat whatever and stop the gym activity.

My rule of thumb is eat healthy, but if you want to splurge just do it, its your life your not trying to be a marathon runner, or a bodybuilder you just want to feel better and be in shape, a dozen wings every now and then isn’t gonna kill you.

NOW go eat 3 El Nino burritos, hahahahahaha jk

i find the best diet solution is to be poor.

i’ve been trying to save money and not eat out so much. i’ve lost about 30 pounds or so in the last few months with no diet and no exercise.


Syrup of ipecac, and a tasty hamburger. :slight_smile:

Word does wonders.