as promised heres a video from friday

where ?

click the picture

Couldnt see the pic at first…How was it looking at the other lane :ohnoes

nice greg!

greg, is that video camera from the 80s? Doc needs to really update his equipment!

he made me a dvd…i couldnt save it to comp so i just recorded it to my phone lol…hey it worked

ahh, well. get that thing to hook!

Looking strong Greg.

Hey for spinning im happy…

u and i have the same out of the hole problem i see lol .

nice, now get a video that isn’t on betamax

What kinda of tires are those? And I’m guessing you’re getting different ones? It looked like they didn’t even try to hook lol

did you get kicked out for no cage?

doubt it. it was a rental

and he has a domestic, you can run 5s with a domestic… no cage.

nice run g! what was ur 60?

No one said a word about cage…1.79 was 60 on that run…I had mid 1.5 on motor only still spinning…

Tires are hosier quick times but they are old

Car was cookin’ those Hoosiers :lol - nice run.

come back to the track rental the 14th with me. Get some good tires on that thing.