as the market goes down hill....

pittsburgh however seems to be on top of their game…


$3,000,000 extortion payment

This is the oldest and strongest trustee operated financial institution…it’s not picking up rubbish like freddie and fannie did

you cant polish a turd no matter how many stadiums and casinos you build around it.

its a shame that this money is going toward this. Im all about helping those in need…but these people (not saying all) dont want help. they want copless steets, drug money cars and welfare.

your gonna dish 500k a year to making their house look better…but change nothing about the neighborhood except some paint and new grass.

its going to be trashed in no time. they like their run down falling over housing because it keeps those that dont need to be there away.

foxrus has no problem with this. in fact…

3 million doesn’t go a long way for a community for 6 years.

$3 million goes a long way there. Especially for development and fixing of houses. figure those houses are worth about $20k a piece as they sit. if not more with the property they are on. Throw another $20k at a home and you got 25 better homes per year. that is 150 homes remodeled. granted it will be wasted cause they have no idea how to take care of shit or respect anything. The Hill District is very Small.

fuck the hill and all of the residents. I would spend the 3 million on tnt and blow the fuck out of the hill district.

At least it isn’t coming out of our taxes.


amen! but surely they will find a way for it to come out of our pockets. We already pay for their food and housing…whats next?

what do you mean “whats next?” I think you mean “whats left?”