AT&T and Verizon problems?

Anyone else on AT&T having trouble calling verizon people? Or the other way around?

I know this happened a little while back just trying to figure out if it is just me

no problems here


check your account balance?

payment is not due for another couple weeks

But I am only having trouble connecting with people not on ATT

all of our corporate phones are doing fine. (att)

no voice problems for me today.

Negative. ATT here and I’ve been talking, SMSing, and BBMing with Verizon peoples all day.

stupidddddd phoneeeeeee my new BB cannot get here fast enough to replace this N75

<3 nokia.

I normally do as well it is the only brand I used to buy but after going through 4 N75’s failing on me I picked up a BB

what BB?

Curve 8310

Fixed haha


and nice.

I think it might be a 3g problem in some areas

ahhh Haaaa just got done with tech chat with ATT and turns out a tower is down close to my address on W. Utica Ave in buffalo and is the cause of my problems. Should be fixed by the 7th they said

O well I am leaving tomorrow anyways