No service? Verizon.. lol

Anyone else having issues… I have some calls to make but i don’t see it happeneing lol…

Weather related?

Satellite TV works though! WOOO american le mans series lol

My bro is having problems receiving calls, so i guess its weather related.
Ohh and yeah he has verizon.

not working here

Shit keeps going right to voicemail

LOL someone in maryland is having trouble too LOL

coincidence ?

i just noticed i have no service about 10 minutes ago. wtf?

mine keeps fading in and out but its analog…not digital service…cant do anything with it grrrrrrrrrr

No service here either, been using my house phone.

Lemans series at mosport :slight_smile: I remember going there when i was like 14 to watch gt races. so sweet.

yea its pretty insane how muhc traffic there is on that course lol… 4 classes at once :lol:

1 time i can say in my life tmobile ftw!

mine down as well.

No problems with Tmo haha.

as long as you stay in the Northtowns.

So is everyone who has Verizon having problems? I’m trying to get ahold of my haircutter

gf is having issues also.

and if i try to call any verizon phone i get a message saying the call cant be completed

I have my bars restored but still cant send messages :frowning:

AT&T is working like a champ. :tup:

mine wont work either…lamenessssss

Ugh what a great end of the mosport race… 1:30 left!

im in the southtowns and never have a problem with service, only lost it once in 2 years and thats in Akron