ATT to allow VoIP!?

I am all for this idea but find it hard to believe when all ATT did was complain about the strain the iPhone has put on their network already…

AT&T Inc. said late Tuesday that it will begin allowing iPhone owners to use Internet calling services on its wireless network.

Sweet I guess?

I barley use my minutes anyways

Ya, this doesn’t affect me much. I rarely use my minutes as it is.

A lot of my minutes are in network since my company moved everyone to ATT which is why I dropped my plan to only 450 but its nice that providers are giving us more access to the network. My side work I call out from Google Voice into meetings and with customers so they don’t have my cellphone number. It would be awesome to be able to do this from anywhere and not rely on a WiFi connection.

Also, anyone using their phone in an enterprise environment like me, I have it linked to our PBX so I can all out from it and show my desk number instead of my cell phone. It would be awesome to be able to recieve calls on this via (S)SIP instead of having it call me with minutes.