VoIP Cell Phones

I just noticed T-Mobile is doing this. For an extra $10 a month, you can enable your phone and number to work VoIP. So anytime you’re at home, work, school or anywhere there is a Wi-Fi signal you can make unlimited calls nationwide. Even text message. And they don’t count toward your plan minutes or go on your bill.

Like Vonage, except it’s cheaper and you don’t have to have 2 phones (Cell and VoIP line)

Granted your phone has to be able to make VoIP calls. T-Mobile is offering 2 right now.

Any other providers out there doing this? Anyone here using their cell phone over VoIP yet?

I talk about 3000 minutes a month, but I’m willing to bet I can cut that almost in half by using this service since VoIP calls won’t count. Hell, I could even use Dunnville’s Wi-Fi to make calls while in Canada and not get slammed with the international roaming fees :tup:

Damn 3000 minutes…

If you already have VoIP at home (and it allows you to forward inbound to mobile phone), find a cell phone service who has free inbound and outbound calls to home. Utilizing this you will essentially have unlimited incoming calling. I don’t know how much Vonage costs.


Damn 3000 minutes…

If you already have VoIP at home (and it allows you to forward inbound to mobile phone), find a cell phone service who has free inbound and outbound calls to home. Utilizing this you will essentially have unlimited incoming calling. I don’t know how much Vonage costs.


when vonage fwds to a cell phone they come up as calls from the actual person they do NOT come fromt he home number

Sweet! I’m going to setup my phone for VoIP, sign up for unlimited internet access via my cell carrier, then via my cell phone internet access use my phone only on the internet and not use any cell minutes! :headache: I think their billing department is going to implode.

^ you can’t do that. The VoIP calls they are offering can only be made over a WiFi connection. But I’m sure there are ways you could eventually get it to work over a 3G connection since it’s fast enough. Hell, I could make video calls with my phone if I was on 3G in Europe.

Potentially you could just get their base $30/mo plan, add the $10 for VoIP and if made most of your calls from WiFi you’d be set. Hell, you could even make calls from most Starbucks since they have T-Mobile Hot-Spots.

And you wouldn’t need to sign up or pay for for unlimited internet access if you’re always near a WiFi signal anyway to make calls.

Well looking into this, my phone doesn’t support UMA right now and there isn’t an add-on yet for it…

… BUT there are services out there that work with my phone’s VoIP capability and are FREE and work in quite the same way.

If your phone has Wi-Fi, GPRS or 3G check out www.fring.com :tup:

AT&T is working on making this available, but mostly only high end smartphones and a few select others will have wifi capability.

we’ve been playing with some tri-mode voip phones for a few months… they are pretty cool, but not perfected.

Josh here is some more info on the phone