do you have a home phone?

Was talking about this at the office. Personally I dont see the point in it unless you have a family.

fuck no

Nope cell ownz my *



cell phone since i was like 15y/0

Skype for people calling me for business that I dont want to be able to get a hold of me at any time of the day.

no home phone…but looking into getting one because the oldest son starts kindergarten this year and I think having a main number would be best. BUT STILL KEEPING THE CELL PHONE!

My wife wants one for the house. Vonage for $25 a month.
I hardly use it since I’m always on my cell, but she uses it a lot and most people call her at the house.


Yes. Verizon has a plan for $9.60 a month plus 9 cents per outgoing call. Having one allows me to save $10 a month on my satellite bill for having them hooked up to the phone line, and $5 on my DSL, so having it really saves me money.

It actually comes in handy more than i expected, because I hate giving out my cell # to places like banks and applying for jobs.

Nope I don’t and don’t think I will.

PS Time Warner just launched digital phone service in Buffalo fyi.

vonage for the mofo win

Yes, Vonage. For what I’d have to pay in an additional minutes plan for our cells I more than make up for with the $30/month Vonage account. And like Joe, I’d be stuck with an extra $10 a month from Dish Network for not having a land line for the receivers to dial out on if I didn’t have one.

Plus, my house isn’t a mansion or anything, but having to run all over looking for my cell when someone calls is a pain. I’ve got my Vonage router running every phone jack in my house, so answering a ringing phone is never more than walking across a room.

I have Wifi VoIP phone at home :slight_smile:

And you’re probably stealing wifi :wink:

That was my original plan and none of my neighbors had it…

Now I can pick up 5 access points besides mine.

which is why we have a home phone. Absolute minimum Verizon plan (~$9/mo). We might make/rec 10 calls /mo from landline.

nope cell only

i still prefer talking on a land line, especially for longer conversations.

<- dinosaur?

cell only