POLL : Do you have a land-line?

Do you have a land phone line?

Wife and i bought a home 2+ years ago, no land line, no intention to get one but we still keep getting flyers from the cable company to get it…

What say you?

Nope. Noone in my family has one except for my brother and he only has one because he has 2 kids and wants a land-line there in case his babysitter has an emergency or something.

Does VOIP count? I have a Vonage line that costs me $19.99 a month. I was gonna cancel it when I was paying $40, but she said my usage is low enough to bump down to the minimum rate.

Meh, it’s the number I give to people that I don’t care about.

I have one for my business but not my home.

I have VoIP lines but I don’t pay for them

Ha, I buried those things behind every wall that had one whenever I remodeled!

Package deal with my cable and internet


Land lines are win. I don’t see me living without one.

i have one but when i move out i will never have one again.

waste of money if your already paying for a cellphone

magic jack FTW
It’s like the bat phone around here though. It’s the number people call when our cells phone ringers are off / on vibrate / in the other room.

I do not have one now, but once Sarah pops out a kid, I will get one. It is a little more secure than a battery powered phone.

Nope dont plan on it after we buy a house either

Nope and don’t plan on ever having one. Already pay for cell phones for both my wife and I, no need to add another bill for something I would never use.

Heck no.

Land line and Virgin Moble for my cell.
The wife has Cricket.

Still cheaper than getting 2 decen cell plans.

Yes. I work from home one day a week and $20 a month is worth work not having my cell phone number, not to mention conference calls blow through daytime minutes and battery. Also for signing up for shit, I don’t want that BS on my cell.

Oh, it’s also very handy for finding my cell.

yes … cause i need it when my mother watches d-money

Yes i have one, but only because it somehow made my TV cheaper… im planning on getting a cell phone and losing the landline shortly

It’s been 9 years since I’ve had a land line. I cut the cord a long time ago.