do you have a home phone?

haven’t had one since i moved out. i’m sure i will not ever have one.

i want to make a thread:

“do you have a home”

then post this pic

but then someone would probably start a thread about how it annoyed them.

Yes because I wanted one to hook up to DirecTV. Also I got cable internet and a digital phone package for $25/month for both.

no need. hell, i really only need a two way pager for the most part.


i have my cell, the fiances cell, and the house phone (house phone is pointless)

Yep, vonage as well, use it primarly for phone calls in regards to bills or other matters.

No need for a house phone. Cell phone and cable internet. Home phones are in the past now. But when I was younger, I did have my own line. I thought I was hot shit.