So the new forum is up and running. If you have any issues or bugs please report them here. I will try and get them fixed.
Are u guys removing the sponsored section??
search function isn’t working properly for me???
No… Send me a PM and we can talk.
Can you tell me whats the problem?
Looks really good Ryan, I like the new look!!
How do I get back tot eh main page with the top busy threads, calendar, etc? The home button and banner don’t direct me back to it?
Also I cannot see in the USERCP where I can change my avatar or signature. there is no settings for it. Am I recognized as a NECC Member? Or just some POS lurker
lol some POS lurker sums it up. J/K
I just noticed it doesn’t take you back… I will try to fix it. I will also see why you cannot change your avatar or signature.
thanks man!
how do you post pictures on a thread? im trying to post some pics and i dont see anything that will able me to do it… I read the FAQ but it doesn’t seem realevant to the new site
You need to host your pics through flikr, photobucket or through your own FTP. The you post up the HTML code like so:
![ insert URL here ]( insert URL here ) and they will show up.
Or I beleive if you have access to the Album feature on this forum you can host your pics there and they will show up in this forum
If I go to, and click on the picture, the page it takes me to gives me a permission error - “you do not have permission, blah blah”. It only started happening since I was made an official member. I always have to click “Home” or go to the quicklinks to see anything now…
Ryan, can yo take a peek at this? Interesting doesn’t happen for me.
Dennis - thats because BoD and site support are set up different.
And Doozer I believe the other Ryan is away on Holidays but it will be resolved as soon as possible.
No worries Steve; it’s not a huge issue… thanks though
Same thing happens to me…no biggie but it is annoying…