Congrats to the one who hooked up the new layout! stunning i must say!

That would be me and help from the Board of Directors. We really need this. A major thanks also goes out to David Myers aka MyGTR for his donation to make this new forum happen. If you notice problems please post em here.

We are till trying to work out some bugs and didn’t want the site down for weeks. So bare with us.


Ya props to Ryan. This looks 100000000x better than it did!

few more tweeking and she will be good to go i guess hey mr.rage

props to you and the board and MyGTR

Looks good. I have to get use to it though :slight_smile:

Kudo’s you Ryan and the Board of Directors on a awesome new look!

Looks great! I like the new NECC logo font allot more too.

I don’t see the “find new posts button” though. Is there one?

Very nice!!!

It’s under quicklinks.

i think it is hard to read and looks to much like some techno geek site…i do like coming to the site and seeing new posts right away though!

Yea, I am not a fan of the new site. To hard to read on my laptop and the font on the page looks pretty gay for a car site

What font are you talking about? the only fonts that are not standard are the necc logo and the link buttons. The only major addition the page which was not on our old one is the side bars e.g. Latest Threads and forum stats. The color has changed but nothing much. The first page is a little different and not sure if we are going to keep it.

a very nice surprise to see this morning, looks great!!!

Why can we not have profile pictures, avatars or signatures? Yet you can :stuck_out_tongue:

I am working on a fix. This board is alot more complicated than our old one.

I don’t want excuses!..I want solutions!..either you fix it or die a slow painful death as we pin your head under a wheel and do a burnout on it!..j/k

To be honest I would choose the death. This transition has been so hard. I never want to do anything like it again. We would have been better off stating from fresh lol

That sucks!
Can’t you kinda do that from here on out. Once you figure it out Just have everyone re-do their avatars, ect. instead of trying to import them in? and any info that hasnt been imported, just leave it out as its probably so old that no one cares anyways.

Ok… I think you can all get sigs and avetars now.

I got the avatar no problem, But I couldnt add a sig