the world is coming to an end ahhhhh and now a black president ahahhhhhh…im going to open up a tim hortons …fuck it
Or not! Hey I’m cool with sitting at home watching TV for a few weeks. Pretty much every office employee under 30 with the exception of Newman got laid off.
I suppose it’s cool to be Newman.
Time for NYSpeed but no time for Vinny’s?! NICE!
Sucks…I’m still trying to figure out if I got laid off.
^What? Did you just not go in today? lol
“They can’t tell me I’m layedoff if I don’t show up for work.”
I don’t work mondays on a count of I’m in school.
But…I am laid off.
^That sucks.
eh whatta gonna do.
Yea i heard from my roommate who works there that many of the production guys who survived the first round got the boot today.
Sorry to hear guys, best of luck with everything…
did kat get tossed? :meh:
my guess yes…i dont know if i saw him in there though but all of the welders that he works with was
i was one of the few welders who didn’t get laid off, 85 welders were there today, 45 got laid off… crazy shit, its like a ghost town in there now…
yikes that sucks, sorry guys
everytime i see this thread I think it’s about me.
Me = Chris Derrick lol.
sorry to hear for everyone tho, sucks big time.
good thing im looking for a new job now. and looking into school…
Yeah, not really my dream job but it paid well.
There is much better out there ryan, college = good idea