does anyone work at derrick?

my old boss from goodyear told me to go put in a application there (his neighbor works there), he said they manufacture drill bits or something along those lines, duke road and from what a search turned up the addy is 590 duke road and the name of the company is derrick industrys, does anyone here work there?

A few guys on here work there. Hopefully they’ll find this.

derrick is right by the galaria mall, and i know a few people on this board work there. none of my business but if they’re willing to help, i’m sure they’ll pm you.

btw they design/manufacture oil drilling equipment.


jesus christ. way to put the kid on the spot…

yeah my boss neighbor told him to tell me to just go in and fill a application out but since he wasn’t exactly sure what the job was i wanted to get a little info on the place before I walk in not knowing what job i’m applying for, pm me for details

yea turbociv and layzie both work there also…

I can dere-lick my own balls

ooo i need a jobbie job toooo. Im broke as fuck.

go to any goodyear you will be working within a few days most likely.

a handful of my friends work there due to my buddy’s dad being high up at derrick and getting them all jobs :lol:

I hear it sucks balls in the shop in the summer because of the heat.

who is this? i work there also.

Uhm, most companies are like that. Have you been in American Brass in July? My goodness!

my kitchen in the summer hotter>*

we close the doors and windows if the temp drops below 125, we keep it at 130ish gotta keep the food hot yo

I am also thinking of appling at derrick, a few of my friends work there…

kevin, nate, chris, drew but he quit because i got him another job

azndc5er=employment agency

i heard some people there make mad doh

my girlfriends brother works there… he sad its boring as hell but its good money

my buddy who goes to RIT just got an internship there…hes gonna make good $

lol helpin broke mofos since 2005