Attn : Anyone who wants to host some videos for me

I figured Darkstar would on westpadsm, since they are vids of DSM’s.

Me and a friend are going to shoot some random footage tonight of launches and the O2 dumps, so could someone host them for me when I get them organized?


Hit a deer and film it!

If I hit a deer, you’ll all be the first to know.


Film a tow truck for possible endorsement :slight_smile:


Pfft, they’ll get pushed back to his house before I call a tow truck.


Damn it, you got me started calling stuff “poop”. Someone at work was telling me something about some car and I blurted out “Poop!”

have to with kids around! :smiley:


:rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant:

Buicks are pooperiffic!

So says my 4 year old…

smart kid :mullet:

upload them to then let me know and I will move them to a place where you can link them

heh… a few years back, flying up McKnight Road, my friend plowed right through a deer in his DSM and sprayed my Accord and a couple other cars with deer parts and blood… The deer landed very far away… (the offramp from McKnight Road to North Park)… VisionRX7 might have pics/video…

the DSM was fucked up.

either send them to me @ or upload them to whitey’s server.

Alright, thanks a lot guys. His light in the camera wasn’t working right, so they’re put off for a few days (he works too much,) but I’m hoping to get them real soon.
