ATTN: AssHat in a 3g eclipse.

well after a mighty meet i was on my way to wegmans following a friends car and to my surprize some 3g eclipse decides to follow me too. he wasnt that bad till we got on baily ave. he decides to get on my ass and tailgate. soo i do what most people do brake check him. he doesnt get the fact that i cant see his headlights at all, and me being a little upset about it. i take off on him a little from a stop sign to see if he would keep his distance like most normal people do, but this dsm owner wasnt like the rest of the normal popluation that knows not to follow too close. he pulls in wegmans and stays in the back of the lot awaiting my next move. i pull up to friends and say “hey i dont feel right to leave my car in this parking lot with some ass that only god will know what he will do.” so i leave and make my way home. my friends said he was doing burn out type things/ launching (a 3g dsm cant do burn outs) in the parking lot and then left in the same direction he was following me from. where i decide to take off from somewhere else.

discription of the said 3g is that its silver, intake, maybe some kind of egay exhaust ,dark tinted windows, and no front plate.

and everyone at mighty well some of them know the car i was talking about.

How about you don’t brake check me next time ok?

lol, 3g, and douchebag, there’s a big surprise.

sorry sherm you should have did the flashers then i would know its you sorry i know now not to get behind sherm. or my car might be riding his hood.


3G != DSM


a mitsu to me will always be a dsm weither its a mirage or a eclipse.

and that is why you’re retarded :bloated:


and that is why you’re retarded :bloated:


thank you. im glad you think that. have a nice day for putting some one down.

Don’t cry, the sun will come out.


maybe i just will. and it better come out tomorrow.


[quote=“TurdBlown Teg,post:10,topic:25841"”]

maybe i just will. and it better come out tomorrow.


Maybe you’ll come out tomorrow.

of the closet.


Maybe you’ll come out tomorrow.

of the closet.


HAHAH damn beat me to it


Maybe you’ll come out tomorrow.

of the closet.


really maybe i will but then it would blow the :snky: on us. you might not want that to happen.

maybe it’s my old car :slight_smile: but no egay exhaust when i had it.

i dont know it might not of had one but there sure was a douche behind the wheel.

^ it might not have had one*.*

also surpriSe, UNtil, bailEy, dEscription

you did manage to spell douche right though, and know the difference between to and too - congrats.

as far as the thread, it seems like you were playing around with him, or maybe your friends and he thought he’d join. and you might have been even if you didn’t notice it… just the way most (young) people drive.

thank you i know how use words just need to learn how to spell them first. i can allways count on badazzss to correct me.

i hope he didnt get that from me thinking i was going to play around on a single lane road.

^uh, he was following me…in my 92 sentra 4dr piece of SHIT. this guy was out for something. he followed us to wegmans and kevin left because of the way the guy was following. once he left the eclipse fag did a couple rounds through the parking lot peeling out and revving and crap then took off. it was rather creepy.