Attn: Brampton 240 owners

Anyone wanna drop by for a few min so I can try out your KA24DE MAF?


Related to this thread:

it could also be your idle control valve, my car once in a blue moon, it starts ideling a lil funny where it drops down to 400rpm,s then jumps back up to 700rpm,s and twice its stalled on me :-k

If you’re still stuck on Thursday afternoon, i’ll give you a hand. Let me know.

I took the TB out to adjust the Idle Air (that little harness left of the TB
that you can tilt side to side to adjust idle RPM)

I guess the FICD is right next to it. Will try it tomorrow.

DFJ: Don’t worry about it it is too much of a drive for ya. Thanks for the
offer and you’re more then welcome to come if you want. :slight_smile:

so the car dose not driver? i didnt read it… try unplug the maf and start it… if it does drive stop by after work. (just not today) and if you want me to come this weekend i can 240 will come with :slight_smile:

If you come by, and happen to have a Fuel pressure gauge, please do. :slight_smile:

i have a spare dohc maf if u need it

Gimme a call I free during the day I could come help tommorow if you need the help. You have some juice or pop for me to drink while I help? Or later tonite.