Attn Carputer, CarPC guys

I am looking into making a carpc or carputer for my car. I have one of those small HP computers and was wondering what else you recommend to get. First, I’m looking for a good screen/monitor then whatever else I need. I have an olds so it is double din. any help would be appreciated. is a great site full of info. I have done a car pc with a Lilliput Touchscreen LCD and mini-itx computer that had GPS and MP3 control. It’s cool for awhile but I lost interest in it.

Are you looking for recommendations for the actual computer itself?

What kind of HP do you have?

I would go with any Mini-ITX board, like the ones from VIA. They have enough cooling/heatsinks to put them in compact cases and not have to worry about overheating, and they are dead silent.

the next question would be…

What will you use the computer for?

If just mp3’s then there are several solutions out there that don’t require a computer.

and if you use it for mp3s youll need a baller soundcard.

I am a huge nerd…and I think this car pc shit is lame…

Buy a fucking Ipod or a laptop.