Carputer anyone?

I was looking into building a carputer years ago, when it would be a huge bulky box in my trunk, with cables everywhere.

Looking on some techie news site, I saw this…

That’d fit nicely in the dash! Enough USB ports for the touchscreen display, GPS and anything else I’d need! Yes, it has a VGA port on the back too…

The only question… is there a USB sound card available that can plug into the back of a head unit?!

I can just imagine a nice SSD (Solid State Drive) in this thing, so not even vibrations can hurt it :slight_smile: The 512MB of memory is already soldered in, so vibration isn’t an issue there as with a home made carputer.

So, who is thinking of getting this thing?

Oh, and it looks like it even has built in sound too!

ZOMGAVTEC… or what ever his name is had a computer in his car

wow priceing is not that bad

what does the touch screen run

fit-PC Slim is offered in 4 configurations.
In configurations with no HDD the buyer can easily install his hard disk.

fit-PC Slim Barebones (256MB, no WiFi, no HDD) - $220
fit-PC Slim Diskless (512MB, WiFi, no HDD) - $245
fit-PC Slim Linux (512MB, WiFi, 60GB hard disk with Ubuntu and Gentoo pre-installed) - $295
fit-PC Slim XP (512MB, WiFi, 60GB hard disk with Windows XP Home SP3 pre-installed) - $335

Damnit…I so wish I had a double din opening

I was considering an AppleTV. You can hack it make it a full fledged Mac, or use it as is.

Cheap, big drive, wireless built in.

it would be pretty cool to fabricate your own one.

if worst comes to worse, just run some DC->AC converters and throw a tower in your trunk :slight_smile:

I have a Mac Mini sitting around waiting for me to find time. has anything you want to know and more.

I kinda have plans to do this. But I think my ideas out weigh my ambitions. It would be a pretty sweet idea if realized though.

One of my friends back home took a spare laptop created a dock for it and mounted it in his car for use as a carputer. GPS on a 15" was pretty cool, as was movies and music but :tdown: to such a huge contraption. This is pretty cool, although I’d never use it or want to use it.

Built in nav unit could get everything I need done.

would hook in nice with my pioneer double din…

and what all would i have to do to make this work, i think i kinda want one

One of the biggest drawbacks to me would be boot-up time. I hate sitting at my computer and waiting for it to boot-up. Have they done anything about this in the carPC world? Like a 5 sec boot up so that your music is ready to go like a CD player does now?

DOS-based Mp3 player. Or Linux based with some fine tweaking.

Not sure how fast the AppleTV takes to “boot” but might not be long either. However since its basically a Mac it might take just as long.


i used to have a carputer in ~2001-2002. dos box with mpxplay iirc that would auto load and autoplay. i didnt hook up a screen. all i had to do was type the number of the song in the playlist and it would start playing.


i wish my car was worth doing this to. it would be a fun project.

you could remote mount a laptop and use a smaller, indash touchscreen LCD and small keypad. nav units are nice but i like the custom built factor. :slight_smile:

i know one guy that has a remote mount laptop, 7" widescreen LCD in the car all hooked up to his innovate wideband/datalogging setup. doesnt have any other gauges in the car. just 6-8 gauges from logworks. looks sweet.
