I really don’t care what our sports teams were doing 40 years before I was born.
hate to say it, there isnt a strong baseball fan base in the burgh. We have the steelers and penguins. baseball needs a salary cap, or it will never change.
the penguins are strong right now cause they are good… there was no one at the games when there was no crosby and mario was still retired. hockey was always a niche market in pittsburgh…the DVE yinzer crowd but not the bandwagon party crowd. baseball is a different animal… 82 home games over 6 months. i think in 2009 its hard to sustain interest in something for that long. people are dumbed up and only respond to bright shinny objects or the flavor of the week.
i’ve said it before i’ll say it again…pittsburgh is not an intelligent sports town…they are a beer drinking party town that does so at sporting events. I love the “ive been a season ticket holder since Christ” mentality…i could watch someone do quantum physics for 25 years…doesnt mean i’ll ever know shit about it.
can i start a thread about how my work is slow also and keep bitching about useless information that is all a hypothesis and has no actual information to back it up… i bet people here would care as little about that as they do about the pirates. whhhaaaaa
I’m sure the fact that the game itself is about as satisfying as watching a Senior LPGA event/grass grow/paint dry doesn’t have anything to do with it.
i’ve said it before i’ll say it again…pittsburgh is not an intelligent sports town…they are a beer drinking party town that does so at sporting events. I love the “ive been a season ticket holder since Christ” mentality…i could watch someone do quantum physics for 25 years…doesnt mean i’ll ever know shit about it.
We’re more intelligent than most cities… we stay the fuck away from our baseball stadium!
I’m not so sure about that.
i see they are taking steps in the right direction…getting rid of mclouth now…the pirates are a joke
How can they even say that they are trying to win? He had just signed a contract (if I remember hearing correctly, I don’t even follow the pirates any more so I might be wrong) and he was actually a decent player. So the pirates go and trade away their best hitter (lead in HR’s and RBI’s) for two no-name pitchers and one no-name position player. From what I have heard, these 3 guys aren’t anywhere near ready to even play in the majors.
Ohh but they are having bobble head night and fireworks this month!!! :gives:
like cutty said, the pirates organization is not here to win games. They are here to make money. And since they have fireworks night, a nice stadium, and bobble head night a lot of retards go to the game and show their support for this BS.
I bet a few months of less than 100 fans a night would wake up the organization a little bit.
But really, who gives a fuck about baseball anymore anyway? it’s boring and there are no hot cheerleaders to look at.
Who needs cheerleaders when you have Jalapeno Hannah? :boink
you can trace everything that is wrong with baseball right back to the fact that there is no salary cap (and because it’s a boring, worthless, no-talent sport with overpaid prima donna players that are all on roids). the big market teams can go out and buy themselves all-star teams, and small market teams are supposed to be able to compete. I can’t remember which year it was, but it was fairly recent… A-Rod was making more money than the entire Pirates starting lineup. Then since your team sucks, everyone loses interest, then you can’t make the money you need to be able to buy enough talent to be competitive, hence not having a season where you win more than half your games for 20 years. It’s absolutely retarded.
football and hockey both went thru the same thing and fixed themselves. Why can’t baseball look and see that and fix it.
because the right people are getting rich off of it being the way that it is. MLBPA would fight it to the death. So would the big market teams, and since they’re the only things keeping the game alive right now, no one else really has any bargaining chips.
They need to have a profit sharing deal like the NFL does. They need a salary cap. They need a shorter fucking season. They need players that aren’t all on steroids. They need to have land mines sporadically placed throughout the outfield, so that it’s more interesting to watch the game then it is to watch the grass grow along the warning track.