Attn : Cutty

firdt of all, I don’t care who talks about beth…and second of all, I’m not pissed because my sister got messed up and got a pic taken(because she wasnt even drunk), I was mad because kurt posted the pic on here and made people think that she was some kind of ho

Dont Say Shit About Peoples Sisters If You Had One You Would Know, I Droped Out Of School From Assholes Saying Shit About My Sister , I Say Instant Ban For Any One Talking Shit On Family Members Its Getting Redickulas

exactly…I am just sticking up for my sister

pittspeed not pittdrama


nice, joel :slight_smile:

then you should have called kurt or IM’ed him.

i have a sister, and i know exactly what you are talking about but the moral of the story is, it should have never been posted here

If you see something you dont like or is offending, PM a moderator and they will remove it for you

neither should a pic of her ass

exactly, and i didnt post it, kurt did. so you shoulda pmed a mod to get it removed then CALLED kurt to yell at him, not start the fight on here for everyone to get involved in

dont mind me Im passing threw again

what did you throw??

i feel if the drama doesnt stop …some people might need a vacation

which direction do I go to go to drama central

geez…just forget it there’s no point in even defending myself cause people dont listen anyways, they just judge

west to freeport and priscilla house

west to freeport and or you can go to Priscilla’s house

u want drama Ill show u drama when i take pics of people taking parts off of the orange car :smiley:

well atleast you will take pics of the car…not like the ones you took of you and mike in the blue house last night

8 out of 10 on the weak meter !!!

btw the torque arm is MINE !!!