whats withn 240?

calling out me and cutty?.. :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blanyer:
240 blanyers gf could woop on you

i don’t know why he’s calling you out, but Cutty is a douchebag.

your a desperate ugly fuck yourself so any chick you think is hot cant look that good!
hey daffy, you wanna translate that for me…? So i bring hot girls with me cause no one believes me, do i have to fuck them infront of everyone next time?

& u are ???

ur cousin’s??? :puke:

shalerpunk is a dork cmon you got to be a real funcking jagoff to post pics of your girl half naked on a forum.

& why???

speak when you know something.

Amanda is a model. She encourages me to show off pictures of her.


And that makes my husband what? I don’t think he’s being a jagoff… just a show off… :rolleyes: Big difference.

he is a jagoff thow correct?

if you want alot of strangers to look at pics of her its your choice i guess

eh…doesn’t matter to me… strangers get to see that my girlfriend has a good body whether she’s clothed or not… but i’m the only one who gets it. :smiley:

im sorry i shoulnt of said anything its none of my bisness i just like to have this site and it just ticks me off when i see posts like this its a automotive forum not a calling out forum so i apoligize for saying anything to piss anyone off

that post is way to civilized…

you need to throw a few “fucks” and an “asshole” in there…



Didn’t piss me off, was just trying to make a point. :slight_smile:


there were pictures of some hot chicks :naughty: :wtf:

no just talk,so someones post some DAMMIT!!!

blanyer post the pics again so we people who didnt get to see can see

no its all cool its OT please continue with the convo :smiley: