whats withn 240?

man…there is soooo much love on this site



:down: without pics :mrT:

i called cutty out because since the day i joined this board he has made some kind of ignorant post in any thread i replied to. honestly i dont have a problem with you i was just heated and you posted right under his about how his insult was funny or something. i dont really remember but i dont have a problem in the least but you have to make stupid comments like blanyers gf could whoop on me. hey think of it this way mr. desperate atleast a girl would be touching me unlike yourself. did you find that girl that you can point too and say “ya thats her” to your friends yet or are you still embarrassed of the females you talk to?

sorry some of you might not get my joke so check out his AIM profile first. his screenname is K20Kinger03O

what did you pay them and what street downtown did you pick them up on? :down:

DOnt mind me, Just whoring through…http://home.no.net/austinp/jpg/puke.jpg

that is by far the most horrible image i have seen in my life!

this one takes the prize…

lmao :eek3:


omg thats ugly

without teh wing i think it would look really good!

:gives: ITS THE INTERNET!!! i dont go cry to my mommy when sammy makes a smart comment to me! so suck it up and stop being a pussy its the fuckin internet! if cutty insults you insult him right back :squint:

and about that… :gives: also
but im sorry i’ve gotta go cry to mommy cuz you just made a smart comment to me :jerkit:

you are seriously a fuckin loser!

i called him out and told him that if he wants to fuck me up like he always says hes going to do that ill be waiting! are you illiterate or just that dumb?



This thread will dissappear in 3…2…1…

Pictures of Blayners’ said girlfriend…?

… I wish someone would call me out sometime, I would feel more appreciated. :hs:

i’ll get around to pics when i feel like going on photobucket…