whats withn 240?

:crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :drama: remember what i said? ITS THE FUCKING INTERNET YOU VAG! :finger2: YOU BETTER TRY SOME MAXIPADS OR SOMETHING, CUZ THE RAG YOUR WEARING NOW AINT CUTTIN IT, YOUR DRIPPING ALL OVER THE PLACE LIKE A SOPPY CUNT!
now you see that round button on your computer that says power? push it! then back away from the computer, go upstairs, cry to mommy, go to your room, watch gay porn, wack off, AND SHUT THE FUCK UP

ill be back to cal in 2 weeks.

I’ll kick your ass then you bitch :wink:

ill give you some credit for teh creativity but i still think your a fucking loser! :hsdance:

There’s a good chance you don’t like me, but there’s an even better chance I don’t give a fuck. SO FUCK OFF

well that was about as intresting as…well it just wasnt intresting at all…whos next?!..ill bring da…pop corn…and beer…for the next one…::okay ill shutup now:: :embarassd :hitit:


I found my replacement :beer: :itr41:

i hear there was one in e-fights that was getting pretty good, but it magically disappeared. :hsdance:

its around somewhere

chad put it in his whole

you win :blue:

i just dont get that fake quote in your sig? do you think its that great of an accomplishment to insult me a few times and then call me owned? i feel privledged though!

but your picture says 1000 words!

oh snap! it gets better and better :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

i got pics of 240’s sister that can make it interesting…but atleast he wasant wearing a pink shirt

why are u looking for men???


we are talking about mr pink shirt now

hey i got pics of your son that might make it interesting and i like to rock my pink shirts.

clean up the family shit or this thread is done!

family drama is :down:

Edit: this doesnt just mean 240, everyone knock it off

this 240 SHIT is getting as old as darkstars under wear!!!

like 8.1 said… its getting old

i give my man 240 props for sticking up for himself and calling you guys out. if you are going to talk shit on him at least say it to his face… i have seen you two cutty and shelby and he would stomp you into the ground… no offense just speaking the truth

but in any regards… just squash it or settle it on AIM or throught PM’s