Attn: danhr

you know why I’m making this thread, don’t you… you little bitch.

why don’t you two just fuck and get it over with…faggots

bc hes asian

U both LOVE anal sex with each other??:gaysex:

b/c you have an asian fetish that you want me to fulfill but i refuse to do a white man?

nigga be talkin shit down da lock

the snyder’s don’t run the river anymore… i do.

this shits my lock son.

now do something productive with your day and get your delwalt 12v drill and start drilling for gas.

only because DEP thinks your congealed vaginal secretions are actually rare mussels.

quit playing with my natural habitat

there are no rice patties in Armstrong County.

you haven’t been inside the lock chamber at allegheny lock and dam 8 recently, have you? upper pool gates have rice patties in them.

like i said

my river