doing it by hand will not get the ports the same cnc>hand porting
huh? I enjoy educating the general public about performance nuances soo, let me take a stab at this one. Wrong. Doing it by hand will get the ports the same. Thats where experience and skill come into play. Throw a little knowledge of fluid dynamics, and you’ve got yourself a decent head porter.
cnc>hand porting… REALLY!?
Read anything anyone has posted in this thread and I think that you see we all pretty much know what where talking about. We’re debating intracacies of a very dynamic element of the internal combustion engine. Grandstanding on an irrelevant phrase only makes you look foolish.
a lot of lsx porters esp dart, do cnc porting then come in by hand and smoth it out just a little more, they do this soo all runners flow the same, then smoth it out a little more by hand, dont do any porting by hand
well then if ur hand porting work is so great then maybe u need to just specialize in that instead of building cages. i dont know where the post was on tech but sonbish was sayin ur port work only gained him 5hp. most CNC machines can make 40hp to the wheels easly.
im not a genius but i dont see how hand porting can = perfect flow charts across the ports… thats almost imposible… i can see you getting perfect with using a flow bench and porting a lil here and a lil there… but from just doing so and then pow its finished… i doubt it… but if it is so… i say more power to you…
i would kinda like to see what the flow is on those heads though… just to see…
whoa wait a minute … I never said that his portwork only got me 5hp… I know the pics got posted up on LS1tech, but i never replied to that thread nor anything else about the results. That would be purely a figment of your imagination.
I really dont care its just funny that someone thinks his hand porting is better then the CNC machines that are made to do the port work. There aint no freakin way and to do what he did to ur heads aint going to help much. U were better off buying ls6 heads or getting a set of 5.3 heads and bolting them on. Many people have tried to do what he did to those heads and they didnt accomnplish anything. most shops will get the heads cnc and the polish them afterwards. what he did was a waste of time. If he would have got the stuff tested then u would have seen that but he didnt. To me without numbers to backup the work is useless.
You stupid or something?
I’m tired of searching for it. Where do you find that Dart hand finishes their heads to equal flow for each of the runners?
I think one of two things. You just made that up, or I suck at the internet.
U know what Im done arguing with you. U last few psot are funny as hell and it proved how much u really know. Ur work may have been good back in the 60s but with what we ahve with technology nothing u can do by hand will touch it. Especially with the experience u have. Do urself a favor and end ur comebacks because ur making urself look like an idiot.
Well thanks for so elaborately answering my question.
You never even started arguing. Not a single point was brought up by you. You wanna come on and say CNC machining is better and thats your argument? I have not had a chance to make a comeback to your useless rants. Like I said before, your way off topic and pretty much have no clue what the current debate is about. So, since your done arguing I going to have to take that to mean your done flaming on a subject you’ve proven to have inferior knowledge of. Either that or you have no reading comprehension. If you weren’t stupid you’d probably have understood that I’m well aware of the benefits of CNC. So in due time the dyno numbers will be posted. For the mean time you can just take to customers satisfaction level as proof positive of the gains.
ok… i think the injector design is the main factor when atomizing the fuel… the layer of air over the abrased surface will cause the ‘air boundry’ that is talked about, but most sense would be to take a lowered grit sand paper perpendicular to the intakes airflow, so that you don’t get fuel drop ‘runners’ that allow the fuel to pool in the direction of the airflow, right?.. then again, a lot of that has to do with the method used when polishing and the direction it was polished, ect ect…
i have done no research in lsx heads… just asking questions
exhaust port=smooth as glass so nothing builds up
intake=a little rough to promote a good mix or air and fuel
at least for carbs, is fuel injection different?
depends on where the injectors are
and the pattern of the spray
although i’ll admit i know nothing of ls motors, i’m pretty sure the injectors spray almost directly at the intake valve meaning the intake roughness/smoothness is not much of a concern. now that changes some when you get rid of the fuel injection and add a carb. the heads were never meant to flow fuel, only air.
then why make something up and make urself look like a retard
I told you, we will have results soon… I still dont have my car back… and they will come as soon as i get it back, b/c its gettin torn down as soon as i can get to that! Why continue to argue
EDIT: i forgot i was on Weaves’ computer when i posted this - this was posted by SonofaBish
ok Mr know it all post up the results and we will shut up. Until then I would keep ur mouth shut because all ur doing is digging urslef a bigger hole.
ur right Im sorry
Results have been posted. The customer is very happy with the gains. Dyno numbers will gladly be posted when they are made.