
anyone local do this? or can offer me any info on it?

i was going to polish my throttle body myself because i heard it offers a little power/fuel economy bonus…what would i need to polish it myself?

also down the road i was thinking about having some mild porting and polishing done to help improve my gas mileage as well as a little power as well…

thanks in advance…

for the TB, see if you can send it to http://maxbore.com/ he charges $100 for honda TB’s which include a larger throttlebody plate

for the head

a good port job on the head will run $800-1200+

I would NOT try to do it yourself. chances are if you try to do it yourself you’ll make things worse not better

joe jiggs …

haha i was justttt thinkin that.

but yah, joe jiggs is an expert at porting/polishing

porting a head changes velocity, volume, laminar flow… lots of shit I don’t know so I wont even bother playing off like I do. What I will tell you is, just making ports bigger isnt how proper porting is accomplished. Infact some builders add material back in in areas to change it around to accomplish the goals they are after.

what motor is this we are talking about anyway?

Also polishing the manifold and head to a mirror finish isnt a good idea either… fuel will condensate on the walls. the small casting pits create a turbulent flow on the surfaces, which help the cold fuel to not come in contact with the hot walls and condensate.

porting the throttle body will more than likely upset the CPU because it knows how big it is supposed to be, and is metered to flow XXX into the manifold. again different platforms respond differently.

Flow is measured rather than guessed, the minute changes aren’t likely to cause issues. The only thing I can think of would be the TPS voltage vs MAP kpa table, and unless the flow is changed substantially there shouldn’t be a problem.

You are correct to state that you do not want a mirror finish on the intake ports. As far as the manifold goes, you can port and polish the plenum, but the runners are better left rough. You CAN swirl polish them, but you are better off just sticking to cleaning up the casting marks.

Didnt realize Jiggs had a flowbench at his house…


If you want better mileage, just knock some timing out of the motor and lean it out some lol.

^ this x 100. the wrong porting or overporting will cause far more adverse effects. send it out to a machine shop.

Does a ported TB make that much of a difference?

get a hydro cell w/ SS plates… hook up 2 wires and a tube. 1 teaspoon of baking soda per gallon of water and there is your better gas milage.

here’s a pic of joe jiggs’ flow bench


i dont want to port or bore the throttle body, just polish it up a little

and one of the biggest fails in my engine is the flowing of the head…i want to open it up a little so it works more efficiently…not out to make huge power just improving its efficiency to make more power and improve MPGs…thats the goal: balancing power and MPGs…

You are a ricer.

For the money youre going to spend to get the head done correctly, it will take a significant amount of time before you offset the cost of the labor by the mileage increased. Not worth the effort imo.

either flowbench it or CNC machine it. going by eye is very inaccurate. task for professionals only

You can get better gas mileage by simply not flooring it everywhere you go.


i heard the fastest, cheapest and easiest way to polish your head is to put sand through the intake and rev the car to 4k-5k while dumping in sand. you need about 5lbs of it.

porting and polishing is notttt cheap and youl only see the real effect with a serious setup… not whatever your dumpin around in

:rofl :rofl :rofl