ATTN: everyone

You never had a problem cause you are white. :frowning: i grew up in the south and it’s not all sugar coated down there if you are black…Savannah aint scarey it’s a college town, sure there are bad areas, but they aint gonna f-w/ you cause you are white…there are parts down there that blacks dont even go…

so who lives there midgets?

:wtf: :dunno: saying he never had a prob down south cause he’s white? :dunno:

:rofl: :owned:

you wouldn’t even have the balls to drive through the area where I was mugged…

lol and you would on a normal day jameriqui?

apparently he has had the balls.

in your mouth sideways :scared:

teabagged like im from Central?


i delivered there, didn’t i?

i bought beer at federal street in the middle of the night when i was 19… was i scared shitless? you fucking bet. but i still did it.

i’ll drive anywhere, i’ll most likely be armed, but i’ll drive anywhere

youse a bad mutha fucker

do you want a cookie for delivering in a shitty section of town?

buying beer at federal around midnight is fucking scary. i did it once. everyone looks at you funny and begs for change

Generally speaking, people that are minding their own business aren’t the ones gettin smoked in this city. I’ve walked in northside side streets many times by myself at night going to my car from class at CCAC or leaving work, its no big deal. I’ve been the only white person in many cases in the hill, same thing, nothing ever really happend to make me scared. I’ve been to every major projects in this city when i was lookin for my car, only east hills scared me…they found my car in that one.

shalerpunk, i can get you some kind of award if it will make you feel special and shut you up. you are the truest OG i know, 17 arrestes and you survived beatings and muggings…wow man, how do you do it?

i dunno… been lost in philly, had no problems getting directions. area wasn’t the nicest, butim sure there is worse in philly than where i was at.

been lost in ny, actually right in the bronx where everything is bullet proof gas at all stores. go directions there no problem.

been lost/wandered around in new orleans when i went to mardi gras and slept in a g-body for a week, there is deffintely a ghetto in no. im talking walk 5 blocks from bourbon street, and shit is straight up hood. motherfuckers were yelling at me calling me cracker etc…

however, you go further away into town, there was beautiful older homes. im talkng old victorians, old brick, lovely homes.

city park, i almost got arrested because during the day, i went there to relax and read a book to kill time b4 partying again. i fell asleep while reading, and was woke up buy a cop wanting to arrest me because i looked like trouble, lol.

also, wtf is so bad about north side? tht area is tame by pgh standards…

i’d say certain areas of lawrenceville or hill district are the two spots i wouldnt wanna roam around in at night.

Northside isnt bad. just federal street

its not scary man, we used to go down there all the time before we were 21, no matter what time it was… saw a gun pulled once, thats it

By being the hardest cracka in Shaler… reppin’ the plaid and khaki, bitch. You ain’t been where I’m from.