attn: landscaping people

ok, id really like to get another job for the summer, and i’d like to get in at a Landscaping company or a nursery (or related place). I know some of you do landscaping and such, and I was looking for some advice as to what places i might look for a job at, or if its getting too late to even bother. thanks for any advice!

yea im looking for one too, i need to get out of the resturant business

i actually have an interview at a place tomorrow over by the mckinley mall…ill let you know how it goes, i did hear that they will be looking for some extra help but ill post up when i know for sure.

I did landscaping one summer.

my advice is, if this is a 2nd job dont bother. Most places are looking for full time more then 8hours a day.

I worked for The English Gardener. While the work was good, the people in charge are fucking idiots. When i went for the interview i told them i was only looking for for like 20-30 hours a week, and that i currently work 3am-8am. They said it was fine, and that i would just go right from FedEx there, and if i was a little late it was fine and then i would work 3 8hour days a week. It only lasted about a month because they could not remember that i only work 3 days a week and only 8 hours a day. They wanted me to stay till they were done (aka 8-9pm every day). So they ended up letting me go even though they had said it would be fine with the hours.

So unless you are willing to work the long hour days make sure you make it extremly clear ahead of time so you dont end up the same problem i was in.

ehhhh im used to it…iv had my share of jobs that require more than asked at the interview. i did the hardwood floors in mr. ciminelli’s condo out in williamsville off main and i also was a detailer for buffalo rv. both these jobs required long hours and alot of bullshit that comes along with these types of jobs. i almost prefer these, it gives me something besides sitting behind a computer all day.


its more work then you’re willing to do, mike.


:word: :word: :word:

It aint easy, and it aint a parttime thing. EXPECT to work as long as the sun is up.

J&L Landscaping on Genesee east of Ransom road (Its in that area) is hiring, last I saw they had a “Help Wanted” Sign out front.

The Pool place I work at is hiring, If youre lookin for something easy durning the summer. We work like 60+ hours a week during openings but after they are done we just do cleanings. Cleanings are straight up pool boy work, its actually really boring and we barely get 40hrs a week. During openings I was bringing home like $500 a week. Im not going back until the semester is done in May, my boss is really cool about working with your schedule as long as you work hard.