Attn: Local Photographers (Local Business Closing)

Good riddance. So overpriced it makes Best Buy look like a discount store.

The internet killed retail.

unless the retailer was smart enough to use it…

overpriced little stores like that i are not needed for most people . In a day and age with the internet people can do research and cut out places like that . They guy probably has old shit or shit thats too much money .

Hoping to find a 50 f1.8 during that last week byaaaaaah!

^^^Cheaping out on an already cheap lens FTW!

local dudes with stores like this with overpriced shit arent being unfair… its the best they can do… they can’t compete with online shit, just cant happen

poor business, but it is what it is. less local business sucks Would rather have this. Do not have money. :frowning:

Soon the world will be big box marts, internet and customer service in some third world country that doesn’t know what they are talking about. Its pretty sad really.

Hopefully I’ll be able to pick up a wide angle lens for my canon on the cheap. For the amount I use my camera, I really don’t want to be spending $600+ on a lens.

I bought that lens a few weeks back. Is indeed epic. $300 is a decent price too.

FML I want this, I need monies for this deal!!