Attn: Mk4 30R aka Worst mod EVER

i believe it without seeing it.

links if possible would be nice for a lil e-thuggin! lol

Heard that before. :vlad

Popcorns done, threads still here, Imperial IPA is still cold. Let the drama begin:popc:

This is the second thread like this in less than a month… the first thread can be referenced here

Benny said it best though…

Brett is a favorite-playing, mentally unstable, elitist douchecock.

And here’s another prime example of this douchecanoe flexing his e-nuts.

I’m banned by post 2425… I dont see what rules I broke… and yet I’ve been insulted and harrassed by other members and nothing done for it.

I don’t give a shit about gettin my balls busted, but I can’t stand the hypocritcal bullshit from the nutswinger. I gotta step on eggshells when hes around or I’m outta here for 24 hrs… yet other people have free reign? Get the fuck outta here with that shit… its obvious people are playing favorites.

From what I have seen he definetly is a shitty moderator. Not that i realy care. Lets see if i get banned.:ahh

<---- likes where this is heading

Cliff does seem to get tag teamed by German and Mk a bit. :gay

P.S. We need more smilies. I would like to see an Eiffel tower smiley, it woulda been perfect.


[Removed by Auggie - I visit this place at work.]

To think I just called him out on this a few hours ago in his “thanks for the kind words” thread.

I clicked a link on google to a “who has the biggest e-penis” and it brought me here. Weird.

Yeah, thats the shit I don’t get. He brings private shit public… when I did the same exact thing, even though mine was 100% just starting shit and done out of boredom for a good laugh… it makes me a cryass?

So I guess hes a cryass for his thread then, right?

Hes a hypocrite, its that simple. Ive said it for a long time on here.

Brett can’t respond right now, he’s at a party threatening to ban people IRL.

:rofl :rofl :rofl

LOL nucca be wielding the ban stick IRL? Gangsta

Seems like a real asshole… I like him.

If you didn’t care so much you wouldve never made the thread…

Don’t turn this shit around, I like gangbangs.


how you started a thread with his name and are not banned yet is beyond me…

he doesnt like when his real life name is posted guys, not cool at all

i suggest you all get razors and slit wrists tonight, sooner or later he will find this thread and it wont be pretty for you

People. Are going. To die.

i haven’t even been in the mod section of the forum in like two months…

he’s actually was at the lot when i left.

I just wanna be here for the explosion…