Attn: Mk4 30R aka Worst mod EVER

Explosion, like a facial?


yo matt lemme know when you get permabanned so we can go get a beer to celebrate :beer

really guys …

As if shift doesnt have enough drama lol

Yea kids got a really crappy attitude. From what I’ve seen I don’t like him at all.

mod powers… same thing as being god

From what ive seen, your front tires hate you.

thanks for my own thread. i thought it was funny because you complained about something in the cliff thread and neg repped me, saying exactly what you did in your OP, in a less fatboy with anger issues approach. call it short hand i guess. so i figured i would show you that i am really the worst moderator ever.

it was funny to me, and you obviously took it to heart.

but again, thanks for the thread and being so butt hurt about the situation.

  • worst mod ever.



wtf dude


^ right click, save as.

also…buncha whiners itt

Fuck, that was lame… I thought there was gonna be some girl fighting going on. wtf

You guys really really really need to find lives outside of shift. If shift really bothers you THIS much, then you obviously have nothing else to do, other than make dumb ass threads such as this one. Thats awfully sad. I sit on here while at work and get lolz out of some of you guys, but damn some of this shit is just sad.

110% agree Paulwall. Well put homie

^ thanks dude. Just look at it though, theres a select few guys that sit on shift and do nothing but whine, complain, and make useless posts. ALL DAY EVERYDAY. This is a car forum, with a few sub categories for current events or offbeat and funny shit. Stop bringing this highschool little girl drama on here. No one else actually cares, shift is one big joke and once in a while we can find some usefull info on here. You guys take it far too serious, as well as let it bother you far too much. I actually feel like a loser for reading it.

Shut the fuck up everything that comes out of your mouth is verbal diarrhea.

Will do man.

Ok so because i voiced my opinion about something you banned me? Again not like i give a fuck srsly. I have a life out side of the internet. I dont sit here pretending to be god and ban people when someone trash talks one of your boyfriends or you,and of course it was funny to you cause you think you actually accomplished something by banning me which obv. didn’t last until 12pm today. GTFO out with your stupid ass nut swinging little games.