attn: MYL crew

made you look…last night i’ll bring the neck braces next time. :wtcslap:


this thread sucks

they try to make people look, thats like the mission statement of their club. Well, we broke all their necks last night.

where, when?

strip, like everynight. they need to change it to MYP made you puke…yellow v6 stang with lambo doors :puke:

pics to further explain?

pics of what? they try to make people look, i made them look, end of explanation.

mmmm k :hsugh:

Cutty you were down there last night? did you drive by on penn by that new bike shop / cafe (next to shushi Kims)? There were a shit load of bikes down there me being one of them.

I dove down smallman about 8 going to the cafe and no one was on small man. I;m guesisng you guys were down there later?

i was in class till 9:30, got down there like 10:30

shit dawg, dont make me roll out w/ da big guns…

lol, you made him look? shiit, you joining MYL?

i guess i qualify not , lol

:rofl: who was all thier?

i’m guessing a few g-bodies and triple A :kekegay:

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hahaha…oh no he didnt

go shave ur honda emblems :finger:
