Attn Parents: Carseat Recemmendations wanted - Front Facing

I know there’s a bunch of parents on here so I figured I’d ask for recommendations/warnings for car seats.

Currently my son is in a Chico Keyfit 30; but is getting close to maxing it out already (at not even 11 months); so it’s time to start looking for seat #2.

Any ones you have and recommend that I look at? Any ones to for sure stay away from?


I have this one in my car.

It’s OK, but the one in my wife’s car is nicer. Plus she researches the hell out of stuff like this so it’s probably the safest on the market or something. I think this is hers:

But for half the price mine is still pretty good.

Just keep it rear facing as long as possible. It’s safer.

I had a pair of those before Jillian grew into a booster. Highly rated for safety and the knob/ratchet quick adjustment system is nice for those times of year when one day the kid is in a winter coat and the next day just a shirt. Downside is they’re huge. Even in our Expedition having one center mounted meant passengers on either side were up against it.

Agreed; but he’s 27", and 24#+ the rear-facing max at 30"/30# thus why I’m starting to look now, and do my research. This kid is growing like a weed.

edit- I meant with the seat we have now the maxes are 30/30.

Looks like “better” one you posted and the one Jay posted max at 40# rear facing.

The evenflow I have says you can keep it rear facing until the top of their head is within 1" of the top of the seat. I’ll probably switch it before then though because she’ll be long out of leg room by that time.

I have those exact seats. I actually prefer the evenflo one.

Once it’s front facing the ratcheting thing will be nice like Jay said. Lame design though that you can’t operate it when it’s rear facing. The release is smushed into the seat.

The Britax ones are rated highest of all car seats tested in 2 things… Crash ratings and toxic chemical composition… WTF???

Cute kid…does your Wife have any sister’s?

I don’t know why but this got my laughing something fierce.

Two actually… one is LOOOOAAAADDDDEEEEDDDD and is a writer/producer in Hollywood (Hawaii 5.0 currently, did X-files and a bunch other prior), and married to an Emmy Winning Reporter (He broke the Enron story and covered the Michael Jackson trial for CNN).

The other one, she’s dating some car junkie slacker with a MR2… although it’s better than her seriously mentally crazy ex’s. :stuck_out_tongue:

This is the one I have for my car…
Britax 70 CS

My wife has the Combi Zeus 360.

I’ll have to go look at mine. I forget what it is. It was rated for something like 24-60lbs . It also had smaller base that would fit into the rear bucket seats of the talon when I was driving that. It rated extremely high and the cost was surprisingly low. I’ll look in a little bit and post back here.

I got a Recaro seat for my son when he was 1. He still using it and almost 3 years old now. Check it and see if you like it.

We have the Graco signature series in my wife’s car. It is the only American made car seat that is crash tested up to 60 mph. It is also convertible so it goes to a booster when needed. Pretty much covers you until your kid is out of a car seat. It’s actually on sale at babies r us this week for $239.99 find a coupon and get it even cheaper! It’s a bit pricy compared to other brands but we liked the idea of not having to buy anymore seats. Plus who can really put a price on a child’s safety!|Browse+By+Category|Car+Seats|Convertible+Car+Seats|Graco+Smart+Seat+All-in-One+Convertible+Car+

We have 3 Britax seats.

Boulevard, Boulevard CS, Marathon. As others have said they are some of the highest rated chairs, and the Boulevards can go up to like 65lbs?! Our 3yr old is still in his and it still fits him great. It has been wearing very good. They come apart pretty easily for laundering. Yes they are expensive but we caught a slamming deal from Toys-r-us they had a trade in thing and save something like 50-70% so we got the CS for the baby, even though she will not sue it for almost 6months. But for that price we could not turn it down!

Good luck!