Attn: People who live or used to live outside of WNY.

Where is/was it? Honolulu, HI
Pros/Cons? No matter where you are, you’re at most 15 minutes from the beach. Plenty ACTIVE things to do. If you don’t plan on being very active, don’t bother moving to a place like this.
Colleges in area? Yes, University of Hawaii (a whole system like SUNY), Hawaii Pacific University, and another I can’t think of right now.
Your favorite place to go to have fun? Drinking fun, Waikiki. Daytime fun, almost anywhere on the island.
Cost of living? Pretty damn high. Apartments and shit are cheaper than say, NYC. But groceries will cost a good amount.
Jobs? Tourism industry is obviously a huge part of any business here. There something for everyone, just in limited portions.
Weather? Duh…
How’s the music scene? I hope you like reggae.

Where is/was it? Wichita Falls, TX
Pros: Cheap living, Traffic is a non-issue
Cons: Jamestown, NY in pancake form, falls are a lie, very little to do, economically depressed area.
Colleges in area? Nothing worth mentioning
Your favorite place to go to have fun? Anything fun is at least 2 hours away. On that note Dallas.
Cost of living? Very low. ($500 gets you two bedrooms)
Jobs? I lolled.
Weather? Summer hot, Winter Cold, very dry.
How’s the music scene? No.

Where is/was it? Tampa Fl
Pros: cost of living isnt too bad depending where you live. gas is cheaper, warm witners
Cons: traffic blows a ton. very hot/humid in summer.
Colleges in area? USF and university of tampa
Your favorite place to go to have fun? there was a TON to do there especially since you have clearwater and st pete very close, orlando 45 min away. Always something to do
Cost of living? was about avg, depending on where you lived
Jobs? depending on what you want to do, but there were plenty of jobs
Weather? Summer hot/humid high 90’s. Winter: warm 70-75, no rain at all for 6-7 months.
How’s the music scene? good

i obv moved back cause it just wasnt for me. would i move back to s. florida?..possibly.

Lol I hope youre kidding

Lol sheppard treating you that bad? we used to just go into Dallas all the time. It wasn’t too bad but we did meet quite a few car guys down there.

Wow, this it the first time I’ve ever heard a girl panic about being normal, and wanting so badly to move away and “see the world”.

10 Bucks says your back within a year of moving. Seen this one a few times :slight_smile:

Really, why would anyone WANT to move to this area? I’m trying to get out as fast as I can. And cost of living is WAY more than buffalo. WAY.

Where is/was it? Chicago
Pros/Cons? Pro: Well its fucking Chicago Con: Cost of living is atrocious
Colleges in area? You shitting me?
Your favorite place to go to have fun? Too many to list
Cost of living? Bring your own kY
Jobs? Right now depending on your field, engineering has very little
Weather? Two seasons: Winter and construction
How’s the music scene? ITS FUCKING CHICAGO

Where is/was it? St. Petersburg, FL
Pros/Cons? I lived on the water, got to play with manatees, dolphins, stingrays… would go crabbing off my back deck/Everything was depressing and strip malls. Snowbirds made me violent
Colleges in area? USF, UofTampa
Your favorite place to go to have fun? Downtown St. Pete
Cost of living? Not that bad if you rented, home owners insurance would rape the living shit out of you in the area that I lived
Jobs? Not doing so hot right now
Weather? Awesome, except for Christmas didn’t feel like christmans
How’s the music scene? Decent, I have seen better

Where is/was it? Dallas, TX
Pros/Cons? Cost of living, big city benefits little city feel Cons: Uptown $35,000 a year millionaires.
Colleges in area? SMU, UD, UNT, UTD
Your favorite place to go to have fun? Knox-henderson, Lakewood, greenville on St. Paddy’s day
Cost of living? Cheap as shit, my place is in a prime location, I have 1500 sqft townhome for $1200 a month, and I have a my own garage
Jobs? Growing more than any other place in the country
Weather? Three days of winter, lots of rain in the spring, ungodly hot in Aug, Awesome the rest of the time
How’s the music scene? Pretty damn good, and Austin is only a few hours away.

I’m in Syracuse now but I miss Buffalo every day. I loved growing up there, all of my friends and family are there, and it just seems like a great place. Syracuse is nice, but it’s just not the same. So no, you are not alone. If I didn’t have such a good job here, I’d be back in Buffalo in a heart beat.

I’m not one to argue about it being all about the money, but do your research on the teacher salaries over the long haul when you look for a job. An old friend of mine just recently moved to the Baltimore area and got a good teaching job. We both make about the same, but I’m skeptical as to how well the pay raises are. For example, there were schools in Florida I could have worked at making a comparable starting pay, but their pay raises were HORRIBLE. If you see yourself teaching in the same area for a long time, try comparing what you will make in NY after 20 years to what you will make in other states. I could be wrong, but then again I’m pretty happy teaching in NY right now. Not to mention the retirement system here is nice, I’ll be happy to walk away at 55.

Don’t move to Brooklyn or for that matter NYC. All i have to say.

I wish I were still in Buffalo. I definitely miss it. realized once I was gone how many events and points of interest there are in buffalo. with minimal effort to find out about as well.

you personally need to figure out what you’re into. Then you can relate it to this here interwebs. When you go to a new place on a visit or vacation, what are the first things you seek out? Then, once that stuff is out of the way, what are you looking to do once you’re settled a bit? What types of places do you spend the majority of time currently? If you were to label yourself any area in buffalo, what would it be? Comeawn, you guys know what I’m talking about. You know people that are south buffalo as fuck. you can see a girl and say with certainty “she’s from tonawanda.”

out of your list I would pick nashville at the top. They have some similarities to buffalo, and did a lot more right:
Similar makeup of downtown historically. However their warehouse districts have been converted to mixed use with commercial on the ground floor and lofts/offices above.
Titans stadium is downtown. that means 8 time a year you have 80,000 people downtown. going to all the businesses, contributing to the local economy
Popular tourist destination (which sucks) but at the same time, it brings money to your area without taking it from existing residents, so fuck it. it’s great monetarily. keeps the city paid
Music scene is pretty much everything you can imagine, no?
The subculture I would find myself in personally, I guess I’m more of an allentown type. I like skateboarding, bicycles, art (even though I’m not informed enough) etc. Nashville suits me well personally.
It seems that when you have a diversity in music, you have a diversity in population. Nashville not only has the diversity, but a plethora of it.

I’m considering Richmond, VA for a move currently. Norfolk/Virginia Beach is nice, but it’s more of those “nice to visit but wouldn’t want to live there” deals. It’s nice to go to the beach and relax on a nice day, but for every day living there isn’t much to do. It’s illegal to promote for events in the city of Norfolk (flyers etc). so few places are allowed to have loud music because it’s all zoned residential. norfolk is very small. virginia beach has a lot more people, but it’s like a whole city of niagara falls boulevard. huge 8 lane roadways. town center has a cheesecake factory and a random skyscraper. By the beach is all blown out and touristy florida style.
cost of living is high. financially, the area is very successful. but there just ain’t shit to do. old people are in government, and their policies drive out young people. see how long that lasts.

richmond, va seems pretty interesting. I’ve spent a couple weekends up there. More to do than Buffalo even (last time I was there was a blues convention, a handmade bicycle show, a magazine that had their headquarters there had a party, ton of houseparties, etc). They have a lot of rowhouses which looks pretty cool, but also provides for a dense urban fabric, which is what I’m into. I don’t like driving everywhere. I want shit within walking/biking distance.

it’s all what you’re looking for.[COLOR=“Silver”]

Born and raised in Buffalo…
past 5 years I’ve lived in…

Fort Myers Beach,FL
Cape Coral,FL
now I’m moving to Myrtle Beach next week.

Pretty much if you move to any major city, you’re going to find college(s), music,bars/restaurants. The cost of living is going to vary in different areas of where you move to so cost of living is a vague question. There is also going to be fun stuff to do, I.E. The beach, clubs, theme parks, restaurants etc.

Just go with an open mind(and money) and you’ll have a good time, worst case scenario you can always come back to Buffalo.

wish i could go back, if NY melts down like I expect it to, i may be there sooner than expected.