Attn Pepsi Drinkers: Votes needed for School Playground (Ends May 31st)

A women I work with is trying to raise money to build a playground at her local school through the Pepsi Refresh project.

Any of you guys drinking 20 oz or 2 liters or Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, or Pepsi Max with yellow caps want to donate your votes?

Pm me codes.

Thanks in advance for helping out…:tup:

I’m pretty sure some of you have a few empties lying in your kitchen/garage with yellow caps on them…no?


got one on my desk I’ll be opening later today


Only one I had.

Thanks guys…:tup:

One is better than none. In fact, some codes are worth multiple votes!

Please tell me this is not for Sharon…

Shannon? Yeah. Did she ask you as well?

Opps, yea I meant Shannon…

Ask me as well? LMFAOROTFF!!! Yea, did hell freeze over and I didn’t get notified?

Haha. Nice.