***Attn: Pittspeed*** Read this thread


:1320: :zzz:

Shouldnt you be out eating some Johnnycakes?

shouldnt you out be some pool boy, trying to fuck one of ur helpers up his ass? or do u only stick to underage russian sluts?

once again this thread sucks

you say fuck underage russian sluts like its a bad thing… is there something about fresh young pussy that you don’t care for? :dunno:

:yum: russians

Thats what i want to hear from my moderator!

stfu up n00b

you need to change your avatar to

speedy gonzolas or something maybe like this:

who wants a fat gay guy that shows pics of himself in a tub waking for a mod dont you get it know one want to here you VOTE FOR THE REDNECK CAMARO GUY

^^ chad.


shake off the faggotry everyone.

Listen rat hur n00b. If you knew shit you’d know that pic earned Darkstar a frosty cold Guinness. :beer: I’m sorry, but no self-respecting, red-blooded, hetro male should judge Darkstar for that move. Maybe you’d prefer he just stay out of the tub and join you in an tastey little Queer-noff Ice or something? :grouphug: :gaysex: :tounge: The n00b faggotry is strong with you.


mmm guiness

How in the hell can you claim to love this beer and not know it’s spelled guinness… :stick:

cause i drink it, not spell it.

newcastle > * anyway
