ATTN: Pittspeed

Since this forum is polluted with Civics and LS1s:




but cool if he/she is going to finish it…

That’s cool. I’ve seen the c5 rolling chassis used in street rod projects.
Didn’t realize the corvette and civic wheel bases were so close.


I think that is slick as shit, but the motor is set SOOOO far back. Hope nothing breaks or he is going to have to pull the dash to get to about 75% of that engine.

I think it’s kinda neat.

that thing is gonna fly if he completes it. :burnout:

x2. rebuild the vette

He said the frame on the Vette was bent in 18 inches. That’s a hell of a bend.

Isnt the frame on the C5 aluminum?? If so aluminum doesnt bend very well so fixing it wouldnt be very practical.

He got the vette and the civic for under 1000 dollars, I need a deal like that.

He said he paid $2000 for the vette, but instead of paying for it, he took a supercharger get off of an Eclipse and sold it and gave that money straight to the guy (his boss?) who owned/had the vette.

So, I mean, I guess he only paid under $1G out of his pocket, but paid a little more than that in reality.

2k for a vette where do i sign up

what’s next a Big rig LS1