Attn: Quik

youre driving skills? which ones? how to chirp tire in a jeep?

so i see you dont say shit about youre section 8 buddys talking shit on youre driving skills saying youre hte worst in the group. its funny a bunch of EMOs talking shit on you bud. now for that to happen i would feel bad but its cool you got thick skill cause you need it to get dissed by EMOS

and bette have your Tree game on fool and know how to launch that car


get bent

I vote they both show up or 1 month ban from pittspeed.

ill be at track now for him, who knows

DOon DUN DUN Duoooooooooou!!!


didn’t I just say I would be there? Or is your hearing not quite there? maybe that head of yours swelled over your ears and you cant hear.

hey cheeks you have the faster ride thats given but look what you got for yourself. if you beat me you beat a ride that is obvisouly slower which is no shame if youre full second faster

now if you lose

you just lost to a truck in a vehicle that is proven faster but you lost cause you suck at the tree, suck at launching, suck at driving. now i would be alittle worried about myself messing up rather alone beating a truck. cause if you lose cause of youre driving thats it. and ppl will know how bad you suck

cool dude you are but your skills lack buddy and this is coming from your own crowd of ppl

hey now, as for the hearing you dam well im going deaf but i sure did read but what you type and what you do is different from time to time

should i keep kolar on speed dial so in case you get cold chills

this is ghey… cheeks is buying a car back to beat quik… lol and talking all kinds of shit about racing yet doesn’t have the car yet???


i hope you guys actually race so you can stfu

maybe get grindpunk up there as well?

yes it is funny he doesnt even have the car in his posseion and talking shit. ill be there just liek i been there the past month or so

probably not since he blew it up, or wait he just spun bearings thats not blowign it up

quik are you goin tonight? i wasnt sure

now cheeky im going to be leaving for the day. so i wont be able to read this till late night after the track.

and heres a thought, you guys just swapped titles not to long ago, now that youre going to try and do it again. istn there a time frame in doing this so the state and paper work is right?

and dont bring the car up unless you own it, cause then i might as well go borrow someones car to run you then. unless you bring the REAL driver of the 240 up to beat me and ill be proud to lose to kolar he can drive :kekegay:


x2 & i’ll race all three in a SUV!:moon:

get em killer!

$10 on cheeks