call out on quiks truck

you got your time which was a pathetic time at best with a hella moded truck that you have.

time to put up or shut up since i been calling you out for a while now. run it or shut it. 104 trap speed isnt shit. you denied me multiple times to run you so put it up or park it. loser buys gas.



first off who the fuck are you to call me out? second since when does MPH mean shit?

as for denining you didnt i say get a slip? get something close and ill think about it, or come to a track in near future and you might see me there

and without knowing who you are im not going ot run ya, for as much as i know you might as well be a snitch

set it up for the track

like i said find me at at track

why dont you two set it up at a track… he called you out… tell him when your gonna be at the track… if he doesnt show call him a pussy

no need to call him a pussy, like i said i dont know him or can trust him.

and to add more make sure hes on a 93 octane tune, pump gas is where its at and no need to run a race gas tune cause you cant make power on 93. and i dont care to hear rung what you brung

race gas is just a way of getting rid of denotation, tune it for 93 or dont bother

he can be trusted

by who? you? no offense but your word cant be trusted much lately

I dont care, I have told you the facts lately. your ego is the one with doubts

no offense to you but it sounds like you’re scared to run him

He cna be trusted…quit being a little fucking pussy and run,i recall a time when u ran alot of people and htought ur truck was the shit then u got spanked and made up sooo many excuses,now u go into hiding mode for awhile and built “THE ULTIMATE” truck so u won,t get ur ass handed to u anymore and look stupid after all the shit u tlaked! SO here it is,the first call out and u are bitching out and giving lil fucking 5th grader excuses,u may have a quik truck but u my friend are afraid to lose and are one to shed tears when u do! So to u i say,u claeed out alooooooooooooot of people b4 and they gave the same lame excuses u are giving and u ragged on them and now the tables are turned are u are being a lil bitch! Run em and shut the fuck up about ur fucking truck!!!

He can be trusted…we played football together! & mpn means pooooooooooooop

i told you to not to reply to any thread im in. its in your best interest to do so.thank you have a nice day

along with your made up shit. you telling ppl i was on the bottle

who claims ultimate truck? sounds to me like jealous to say shit like that. its a stock 6.0 motor with CR,cam and some tuning. some of you fags make it out to be more then it is. my goal is 12.5 and some of you rag on it running a 12.8 @ 104 with a base tune. then say 1.79 is the best it will get for 60’ ppl like this have no clue about racing then. also some of you think 12.8 was with the bottle and its not. some also forget it weighs in at 4600 for race weight now i guess thats not alot of weight to be moving

and again i dont know this dude, and where would this take place? no where around here that is a good spot, im not roll racing and im not going all the way up in butler to race. for the time it takes to go to butler ill head to salem

i said slip??? and find me at a track

fucking race him you pussy

ive met him MANY times and he is legit.

scared to lose to a neon?

he is cool… run him on the street, run what you brung! he is calling you out!

I will run you on friday at sport compact night grind punk!

you people know what, quik is right on one thing and that is thathe built a truck and is running it and having fun and i can’t stand when people talk down on something someone did, he built that truck for himself not yinz… who gives a crap if the truck runs 18s, its quiks truck, besides i know MANY people that goe to the track and run 12s and 13s and when they get to a street race they are suddenly in a 10-11 sec car, maybe some people don’t want everyone to really know how fast there car is… thats the f-ing reason i always go to other tracks is because there are to many squirls at keystone…

this is different :rofl: