quik vs grindpunk

sounded like a decent race to me. make it happen. street or track for location.

i said track if anything but to be perfectly honesty honest i dont care to race an compact now if some reason i fall out of bed and hit my head on the night stand and decide to build a compact then it would be different. call it anything you wish but thats just how i see it. now maybe if some compact owners werent douchebags then it would be different.

cause the story is if you win you get you beat a neon whoopde fucking doo if you lose you get you lost to neon and its a never ending statement

insert any compact into the equation

and to be honest after how things went tonight i could care less to street race. we went we met, we followed we parked. we waited and waited for some dude not to show up. then get lead to a spot where its a main road and cops follow. so i wasted gas and time to go to a spot to only leave 10 minutes after getting there. another thing is you get ppl that have no reason being there. like some old timers in a beat up ford truck jsut there to watch. to many spectaors get attention. call it getting old or what but it will never be like crafton was or for you guys VW.

well then, if u dont street race anymore, then i guess i can delete you from this section? nigga please. if the man brings a respectable car to race, then it is a race. that would be like saying since im fwd, i have no chance of racing a rwd or awd car. it is afterall, run what you brung. and going off timeslips alone, he is in that margin of error to race on the street. so u beat a neon–big deal. he wins, he beats a truck–big deal again. i mean neither car is exactly the pinaccle of sports car perfromance. so that is a mute point.

moral is, i have seen street cars that ran like 100% shit at the track and get labeled as a slow track car. yet they kicked ass on the street. going from timeslips alone, they should lose. yet they dont.

on the other hand, i have seen cars that run awesome at teh track unable to run worth a damn on the street, and get beat by cars that ran 1 second slower at the track. Chase is a race.

so since u wont race compacts, does that mean all your going to do is race trucks? or is it only rwd cars now? or is it cars produced at gm’s bowling green plant but only ones produced on fridays after lunch break? whats the magic equation to building a car worthy of racing you?

all i know is going form the last post is you got legitimately called out, and declined on bullshit terms from what i could see. thats 100% horse shit. however, you do have a target on yourself now, since all the buzz around your driving. so time to back it up. Or you could heed Roosevelt’s words- speak softly and carry a big stick.

:bowrofl: :bowrofl: :owned: :bigok: BUY THAT MAN A BEER AND SOME HAIR GEL!!!

mike if you want go ahead and delete me if thats what you wish to do. if magically a spot turns up liek crafton thats local let me know

it be nice to run trucks but not to many ppl build them. i woudl rather run domestics. now theres owners that are cool for instance youre one of them, sonny is another, eric, jay some others also. but if this whatever it is causes me to be removed let it be. not to many races occur on street and especially were you can actually get done what you need to get done.
i didnt build this truck to please anyone i wanted a fun cruiser and for now its my daily driver. i like the attention i get at lights, cruises and etc. now if i wanted a full out race truck i wouldnt have started with the platform i have and would of done many things differently on the build. will i continue to run my truck yes at events like flashlight drags, at TNT and events like thunder in the burgh.

do i have a rep yes, shit happens

neons are domestics

this man speaks the truth

sorry a compact

you are seriously insane, i have never read such pussy text on this board… not going to race compacts! racing is fun, just like last night I said i would race any of those people there! I do not give a shit, fast is fast and thats it. some people just package fast different

its the mentialtiy that you carry along with the rest of the compact world i hate. pussy this pussy that i just dont give a flying fuck to race fucking compact. do they run some decent times yes, does that mean i care for them no. i would rather lose 100 times to a domestic then beat a compact once.

what i dont understand is how you called sammy out and called him a bunch of names for not racing you. sammys car is faster than the neon(as far as i understand) and its definitly faster than your truck. but now you get called out and called a bunch of names and you back down. so is it you dont race compacts unless you call them out because you think you can beat them or your actully afraid to get beat by them? which then why would you call out sammys low 12sec integra(on street tries) in the first place?

cause i knew sammy wouldnt race and it was a continuation of what him and that mailbu dude was carrying on. how he hates domestics. but for him to back down is ok but if anyone else does its not?

and i get one fucking solid pass in the truck and thats all i get judged on? how about have some ppl run NA and full weight then talk the shit but no, i made my one pass NA so i automatically am stuck with a high 12 DD truck. i guess since i didnt bother hooking up the juice im listed as what i am. its ok still i dont give two shits for those cars.

x2 & dont he race u?

he was going to race me last night in swifts car… of course i did not come up with bull shit excuses saying i do not race black cars on sunday nights or some shit.

I think he is just so scared of the punishing that cheeks gave him, its kinda like his bad dream now!

:rofl: :rofl:

I’ll race Grindpunk for fun this is waht this section if for anyways, I already know I will lose but it is fun, and I dont want the Rocks to get a bad name, yea we might have slow cars, but we dont back down from a fight in this case a street race…

not this shit again

thought we summed it up

quicks a pussy

no its that exact bullshit i dotn care to race POS cars.

not a pussy just dont give two shits to race fucking POSs

hahahaha… maybe dan will teach you the chicken dance. At least i don’t have to race in other peoples cars to keep my rep points up!