Attn ShalerPunk

Denis Leary = :cool:


Dennis Miller = :down:

Originally posted by Black_WS6
Dennis Miller = :down:

Yeah, Dennis Miller sucks BJ’s 640lb cock

In Dennis Miller’s defense, before he got old and even more pretentious, he was quite humourous… i.e. pre-Monday Night Football…

Originally posted by ShalerPunk
In Dennis Miller’s defense, before he got old and even more pretentious, he was quite humourous… i.e. pre-Monday Night Football…
That may be true but he did suck on MNF. I think he needed to realize that the average MNF viewer was a beer drinking, type-A male that could care less about his literary references. That’s why John Madden is soooo good. He is dumb but can say BOOM very well.

Originally posted by Black_WS6
That may be true but he did suck on MNF. I think he needed to realize that the average MNF viewer was a beer drinking, type-A male that could care less about his literary references. That’s why John Madden is soooo good. He is dumb but can say BOOM very well.

I hate John Madden.

AND his video games.

Sega Sports NFL2K series > all

Originally posted by ShalerPunk
I hate John Madden.

AND his video games.

Sega Sports NFL2K series > all

put down the crack pipe, maddens game is much better…

speakin of dennis miller, he is from pittsburgh

denis leary is funny as hell too

john madden sucks

and so does that other fat fucker maden…i think its mark maden on the radio

Originally posted by Black_WS6
That may be true but he did suck on MNF. I think he needed to realize that the average MNF viewer was a beer drinking, type-A male that could care less about his literary references. That’s why John Madden is soooo good. He is dumb but can say BOOM very well.

Thats the problem with him though… NOBODY cares about his literary references. Thats all he is. A big long srting of impressive sounding words. If it were to be translated to normal words it would have no substance at all. He was tolerable at best, WAYYY back in the day… like Weekend Update back times… Now he is just a pretentios ass.