For the real Geeks

wow thats getting a little bit too much involved with a game i think

This just made me wanna get this game. lol

Oh man haha.


you know you will have one ^

Doubtful… never really cared for football games. And John Madden’s voice is like nails on a chalk board for me.







Doubtful… never really cared for football games. And John Madden’s voice is like a mouthfull of cheezey poofs for me.



well madden is not really the annocer in the game he just give u his imput if u ask him that is it. but that whole ring thing is a little overboard





No idea where that one came from…

I just got this game. Started playing it. Hopefully will be good eventually.


well madden is not really the annocer in the game he just give u his imput if u ask him that is it. but that whole ring thing is a little overboard


You’re talking about Electronic Arts here. Next year they will probably charge you money to unlock certain teams.

Holy shit. I was playing this tonight and there is no Madden as an announcer!!!