attn: ShalerPunk

83, sorry :smiley:

I mean with the proper mixture of fuel or just make it really rich it shouldn’t really be a problem. But I just don’t want to blow it up.

i’ll race the sunbird…
im tired of racing the keyboard

:sex: :madfawk:

Oh no I think your misunderstanding me here. I’m not trying to say my car is fast. I’m just happy I am finally doing something to the damn thing.


i posted about you lately?


good luck with the 2.0 turbo motor… I’m actually looking for one.

as for me having such a huge problem with you, i think you give yourself too much credit; i don’t care enough about you to have a problem. My opinion of you was that you were some kid who didn’t know half of the shit he was talking about, and you had a clean daily driver with a queer wing that wasn’t worth what you thought it was.

thats what i say :kekegay:

sunbird = :greddy:

starting drama = :ban:

shelby or suncawk?

No dude I don’t think you have a problem with me. It’s the fact when i went through the searches you are the one that always brings my name up maybe like 2 others do but you mainly. I don’t sit on here typing my life away about my car. I said what I am doing with it and thats that. When it gets done heopfully it’ll be faster then the stock 20 sec motor was. I like talking about cars because its my hobby I don’t rip on anyone at least not anymore. I’m just another member like anyone else.

suncawk…shelby didnt start the thread…

this thread was 2 pages long before blanyer even replied

it wouldnt be here if sunhawk wouldnt have started it…besides…pittspeed has MORE than enough drama…

Can we get some progress pics?


Yea I have to go to Rodeheavor’s and take some pics. I’m in the process of saving up for forged pistons,rings,rods, and wristpins.

I’m not starting any drama there is no problems here. I haven’t said one negative thing about anyone i stated my piece and I’m done like I said.

Thanks I’m dedicating alot of cash for a car thats not worth it i’ll need the luck.

good luck with your car

Idiots like you are why full coverage rates are so high.

Also if you did maturing your wouln’t be on here calling out Shaler.

PS ever notice this stupid trend with you disapearing then coming back stating you “have matured since then…”. Yeah its getting old.

welcome back suncawk…

I’m just curious when Blanyer is going to change his name to LowerBurrellPunk

a sunbird… damn those are fast stock. thats a lot you’re doing to it. u sure it wont be too fast??

what?!?!?!?!?!? NO WING NO CARE