Today while at LVD someone decided to cut the strap off my helmet and stole right off my bike, if you see anything on craigslist, see it in someones car at the track or know who did it please let me know so I can handle the situation.
This is the helmet that was taken, its a Shark Duhamel Replica helmet. Also I would like to thank Jim P for letting me borrow his helmet in his car so I could get home. Some serious scumbags out there.
Like Vlad said…cut strap as far as I know they dont make replacement straps for helmets so the helmet is virtually useless for bike riding so I would assume the person will sell it (its a $650 helmet) or use it in a car at LVD.
I’m talking about the fact that the strap is gone, rendering it useless from a safety point of view, which is why you won’t see other helmets with one just randomly cut unless it was stolen.