Dear Mr. Gixxer

First off let me say nice bike, if i was not graduating i would look in to a nice 750, but next time you park your bike att ECC south you may want to lock up your helmet atleast to your seat, leaving it on your mirror is very silly. Someone could have easily walked off with your 500 dollar Shoei:fail:

Sorry i just think it would be a shame to see such a nice helmet stolen

Is that the red one parked by B300?

No its blue/white with the graphics peeled off it


crazy! i’m paranoid even walking away from my bike in the gym parking lot and i’d NEVER leave my :pimp: shoei for somebody to walk away with

A lot of people might not even know how much its worth and then not care…

I don’t think it’s on the road yet.

True, to 90% of the people walking out of ECC they just think some broski parked his bike on the side walk, to the other 10% who ride, even a dirt bike know that shoei means big bucks, not that i care becasue it’s not mine or i would steal it, just surprised its left out, especially at ECC


Surprised it made it through a day.

i seen the bike too. :tup: phat whip

I used to feel pretty safe with the little tabs under the rear seat to lock the helmet. One day when I got back to the bike, after thursday in the square, someone stole my vemar CF, they cut the strap, and away they went. I had to drive home with no helmet on. I saw a cop and told him what happened, and he told me to ride home on the sidewalk.

some people just leave the keys in their bikes too. Never understood that one.

Or boats WTF. People do know how to drive boats…

so u stole it?

Seriously? I leave my helmet unlocked and chillen on my rearset everyday i take it to ecc… Although mine isn’t a $500 shoei more like a $150 hjc

People don’t fuck with the bikes parked at building 5 I wouldn’t be worried about it. Last symester i left my jacket and helmet on the bike unlocked every day.

Guy is rediculous though, he rides through the ramps and center of the park when he leaves revving at all the 18yo hotties he sucks so bad. Two weeks ago he laid a good 20 second heater right in between building 3 and 4.



no, im not a scum bag, is it bad the thought crossed my mind though

I see absolutely NO problem with that? ahaha.

I always see bikes parked on the ramp at building 5, but I’m always in 3 and 4, so i’m a loner.

lol no !

lol…plus if i did swipe it it would be a little silly to post about it on a public forum

well if it ever gets stolen he can jsut live in florida where helmets arent needed because floridians are brilliant!

that kid rides everyday. he stunts his jacket hard in school. no one locks their helmets at ECC though. i’m the only one that ever locks theirs. for what a good helmet costs, i just can’t justify leaving it unlocked.