Dear Mr. Gixxer

I just bring mine in with me?

a couple weeks ago we were all downtown at club w, there were about 20-25 bikes lined up out front. around 3 am, some dude comes along cutting straps and swipin helmets. i had left by that point, but i hear he got away with a few.

just proves that sometimes locking your shit up still isnt going to help your case, but unlocking it, thats just retarded.

i feel like i’d be “that guy”. know what i mean?

ugh. i’d be sick if that happened to me. what’s the point in cutting a strap on a helmet? i didn’t think those could be replaced.

yeah, I could really care less though. I’d rather be “that guy” than have my helmet stolen.

word. helmets are expensive. i don’t worry about it being locked up at ecc too much. i’d be more concerned about it downtown or something. any time i have my helmet locked at ecc, there’s a ducati 999 or a suzuki drz400sm with the same shoei unlocked and there’s that gixxer with the unlocked shoei. they’ll take that one first. plus my head is so big, no one needs a helmet my size. :lol:

I’d be seriously bent if someone cut the strap on my helmet. That takes some balls.

well the strap can be replaced, i thought the same thing. but when your a crackhead and youll do anything to make a buck, why not sell a busted helmet? lol fucking scumbags.

doesn’t matter at that point, they have the helmet. I was just glad they didn’t fuck up the seat or the tail plastic in the process.

you do have a fair sized dome lol.

Did you end up getting out riding tonight?

yeah seriously, at least they were smart and cut it instead of yanking on it.

it was cold and i didnt’ want to deal with the oil drama. i sat at home and played GTA4 in my underwear then went with jay and woody to dinner. it was hot.