What do you guys do with your helmet?

Lets say you’re taking a ride and want to stop in Best Buy or something like that… What do you do with your helmet?

do they sell something to lock it to the bike(sorry if that’s a dumb question)?

lol uh oh

i usually see people just carry it around or wear it on their head

Not dumb at all, I usually lock my helmet on my bike using the strap, but if I’m out at a sketch place, I bring it with me

That’s what I was thinking… I took a ride yesterday and reaaally didn’t want to just leave it there. Hell, I almost didn’t even want to leave my bike there :lol:


They make helmet locks so you can lock it to your bike.

Guess a little research works wonders :slight_smile:

If I go anywhere like to school or to the mall, I lock that shit up since I will be there for a while. Bike locks like those in your link are perfect.

If I am going somewhere for a half hour like a restaurant or buddies place, ill just strap it to the bike.

What kind of bike do you ride? Most bikes will have a helmet lock on them already. I just lock mine to the bike. I am rarely that worried about bringing it with me.

Take it with almost always. I don’t want some douche spitting in it or stealing it. Only time it stays on the bike is if I’m within eyesight.

07 cbr 600rr. If mine has a lock on it, I’m not aware of it. :gotme:

its under your passenger seat. you put the d ring of your helmet on the metal clip in there and put the seat back on. sometimes there is a loop of wire under the pass seat that you run thru the d ring, but i cant remember which companies do that.

If its a short stop like mini mart or something I put it under my front tire. School or anything else I take it with me. My bikes haven’t had helmet locks built in.

Yup. Should be on the left side.

http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://cgi.stanford.edu/~sanjayd/gs500/uploads/Upgrades/helmetlock.jpg&imgrefurl=http://cgi.stanford.edu/~sanjayd/gs500/Upgrades/HelmetLock&h=600&w=795&sz=80&tbnid=7Fpcq0ylsrRP4M::&tbnh=108&tbnw=143&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dhelmet%2Block%2Bseat%2Bpicture&hl=en&usg=__l4Y8vhU-6mqZy59S2YKyb6Xfe-c=&ei=wlm9Se_YAZWltgeO2dz2Cw&sa=X&oi=image_result&resnum=4&ct=image&cd=1 like that. then close the passenger seat on top


this is on a 600rr too

Ah, it was the 600rr that had the stupid wire loop. I couldn’t remember which bike that was. Such a stupid design.

yea, you could just hang the d-link on that hook still though… was it the r6 that had it IN THE ACTUAL seat? cuz that sucked too

no, i couldnt get the d ring on the hook because it was so low in the “trunk”. yea im pretty sure the r6 had the hook on the actual seat. whoever engineers these stupid designs needs to die.

yea my bike has 2 clips for the d-ring on the helmet strap to latch on to under the passenger seat… it just locks down and seems pretty secure… however if someone really wanted the helmet, i’m sure a solid tug would break it free.

At the risk of looking like a douchebag, i generally just carry my helmet with me, and keep my jacket on… shit is too expensive