as stupid as it sounds i rarely strap my lid on . i know dumb as all hell , so he or her may not only run it as a track only helmet
I think if we find it on CL… we should have john go and inquire in person
ill do it , if i find it dont be mad if there is some bone fraggment embeded in the lid though . ill beat em with it lol
Lol as long as I get it back.
You sure the straps are not replaceable?
most are not
All I can find is replacement buttons not actual straps on Google, so I don’t think so. Which sucks because even if I do get the helmet back its useless for me. But that doesn’t mean I don’t wanna find out who took it and make them curb stop there face.
I’m really pissed about this, first day out on the bike this year and the first time I wore the helmet and this shit happens.
what guy were u ? i was the fat guy with the 2 kids in tow lol
Having them replaceable would encourage theft and the reuse of crashed helmets by cheap fucks, as straps get cut off in an accident, so AFAIK they arent replaceable.
Slowmarro, if you’re going through the trouble of wearing gear, might as well do it right, but you’re right I’ve seen many people not strap the helmet on.
aka… the guy in your sig
This always makes me sketchy on leaving my helmet on my bike. GL with the find!
i dont wear gear when i ride , i know i should esp seein as i have kids but i hate it lol
Damn that blows. Usually people are pretty respectful of other people’s shit there
I was sitting two rows in front of you and a little to your left…blonde hair, mesh bike jacket and sunglasses.
im sure it wasnt a frequent flyer there . there was quite the mixture of people there today . i had to get loud with a rican for repetedly swearing and shit around my kids .
ok , i was thinkin of the rite guy .
u guys are lucky . jim p and mikey b were tryin to get me to where a banana hamach to the track today lol
u should have
it was cold man , no way i coulda pulled that off lolol , its small enough with out it turtle headin and shit lol , besides im sure ya didnt wanna see my strawberry hanging out the side anyway lol
As you know Greg, I will def. keep an eye out. As much as I doubt we will find it (in all honesty) I really hope we do. I wouldn’t mind holding the fker’s head on the curb while you stomp it…