Attn Shift: Looking for a thief...

Did you put anything on RideNY yet? Those guys might be able to keep a look out also.

Were you in a staging lane when they swiped it?

I haven’t been to LVD in years but I’m still surprised they don’t have some sort of CCTV overlooking the staging lanes just for this type of shenanigans and for insurance purposes:ponder

he was parked and wasnt running

Damn man! Will definitely keep a lookout, fucking scumbags.

Greg i feel horrible for you but when we do find this helmet or whoever took it i will be doing exactly what that pic above shows.

Pretty sure you can have a good sense of who took it and for the majority of the time who ruins that place. We arent regulors or locals any longer. Good luck dude.

Did you keep the cut part of the strap to use as evidence to match up the helmet if you ever do recover it?
Good luck finding it man

Detective corey on duty.

Yeah this is all that’s left…

They also chipped the paint and put a small crack in tail section trying to get it off I’m assuming.

I think you should give Shark a call and see if it can be done by sending the helmet in, may be it is something that can be done in the factory for a fee.

Snatching a $600 helmet and knowing cutting the straps will render it useless seems kind of pointless to me.

Just a thought.

that sucks man i hope you find the bastard…ive heard horror stories of people going to bars and leaving their helmets on their bikes/sleds and coming out and their gone…ik when i go anywhere my helmet comes with me…its a cold ride home without it…anyways hope you catch the bastard and give him a reason for wearing a helmet

fucking bullshit


that sucks and GL finding the asshat that stole it

<— Will fistfight minorities for food.

Such a shame to see this. The worst part is that you would’ve had no other way home if someone didn’t lend you one. Fucking trash.

ya stealing a helmet is really fucked up, i was always thinking about that myself, if someone steals my shit to be a jackass there is no way im riding home

Apparently some people just don’t give a fuck and deserved to get there face smashed in. I’m just lucky enough to have to some good friends who helped me out yesterday.

Although Jim P has a HUUUUGE dome! LOL Damn that helmet was big.